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Your Point Of View

I heard shouting so I ran to where the noise was coming from. I was met by the new girl, who was now obviously awake after sleeping for ages, throwing supplies at the boys from high up.
"What's going on?" Thomas queried.
"I don't think she likes us very much" Newt replied from beneath a homemade shield.
I chuckled slightly at the sight before shrieking when an apple hit you on top of my head. The supplies continued being thrown for a while until...
"It's Thomas!" Thomas yelled frantically.
The throwing stopped and there was silence.
"I'm coming up, okay?" he called.
He looked around anxiously, before climbing the ladder.
I walked over to Newt and held his face in my hands, moving it around to make sure he wasn't injured.
"I'm okay" he assured me, smirking and kissing every inch of your face, "I'm sorry I haven't been with you much recently"
I shrugged, "You have more duties than I do. Cuz you're a man!"
He laughed at this comment before shouting up, "Are yous coming down?"
"One minute!" Thomas called back.
Then him and the girl came down the ladder, the girl rubbing her arm awkwardly.
"Sorry" she frowned.
The guys all stared at her, including Newt. I shrugged it off and held my hand out to her.
"I'm Y/N" I smiled, "Welcome to the Glade."
"Teresa" she grinned back, shaking my hand.
"Come on, I'll show you around" I said, still smiling.
Me and Teresa walked around the Glade. Unbeknown to us both, Thomas and Newt were watching our every move.

"This is all your fault!" Gally snapped at Thomas, "All this started happening when you showed up!"
"Stop it!" Teresa interrupted, "It's Alby! He's awake!"
Me and Newt shared a hopeful look before rushing to the Medhut in which Alby was staying. When we entered, Alby was sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.
"Alby?" Thomas queried.
Alby looked up at Thomas and grabbed him suddenly. He yelped in surprise, before Newt desperately tried to pry away Alby's hands.
"Stop!" I exclaimed.
"It's your fault!" Alby accused Thomas, "It's your shucking fault! I saw you! I saw you!"
"Alby, get off him!" Newt cried desperately.
Teresa suddenly injected Alby and he carefully let go of Thomas. I pulled Thomas behind me, protectively, at which he rolled his eyes. Newt sent me a look and I nodded, hurriedly taking Thomas out of the room.
"Are you okay, Tommy?" I asked, catching my breath.
"Yeah" he said, waving a hand downwards once, "All good."
I chuckled and glanced at Teresa who was watching Thomas. I grinned at her and she looked down, blushing. Thomas followed my gaze.
"What are you smiling at?" he queried.
"Nothing!" I exclaimed, far too loud.
"Come on" I said, "Let's eat something and go to sleep"
And with that, we both walked to the tables, with no clue what monstrosities were ahead...

Shanks In Love // Newt x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now