We Escaped!

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Your Point Of View

I panted heavily as we ran out of the WICKED building and up the hill.
"Come on, keep going!" Tommy encouraged, turning around.
I noticed his eyes widen, so turned and saw at least thirty of WICKED's men chasing after us.
"Oh no" I mumbled.
I looked at Newt, who stared back at me, panic in his eyes.
"Go!" Thomas yelled, "Go, go, go we'll lose them in the storm!"
We continued running, but I panicked as a motorbike revved behind us. I ran faster, making sure not to run too far ahead of Newt, not wanting him out of my sight. We hid on the other side of the hill, watching the men search for us with their torches. I felt Thomas tap my back, before he said,
"Come on, stay low, stay low"
We all started shuffling backwards down the hill. I noticed Newt and Teresa's shoulders brush against each others but I ignored it. I stood up and began running.
"Y/N wait" Thomas called, "We've got to stay together!"
I ignored him, sprinting down the rest of the hill and moving my palms across a long line of glass. I spotted a smash and climbed inside.
"Y/N!" I heard Newt yell.
I turned my torch on before looking around. Newt slid in and put an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.
"I thought I'd lost you" he mumbled.
"Never" I replied, kissing him.
"What is this place?" he wondered.
"I don't know" I answered, looking around.
Everyone else stumbled down and landed beside us.
"Where are we?" Minho asked.
"We've got to go" my brother replied.
"No, Thomas stop" Teresa shouted after him.
Thomas turned to her.
"Tell us what's going on" she demanded, before looking at me.
"It's WICKED" he replied, "It's WICKED, they lied to us. We never escaped. Me and Aris, we found bodies... Too many to count."
"What do you mean?" Minho queried, "Dead bodies?"
"No" Thomas frowned, "But they weren't alive either. They had 'em... strung up. Tubes coming out of them... Being drained"
I flinched and Newt's grip tightened around my waist. I shuffled closer to him.
"There's something inside of us that WICKED wants" he continued, "Something in our blood. That's why we need to get out of here as soon as possible."
I shared a look with Tommy, then Minho, then Newt, fearful of what was going to happen next.
"Okay" Newt said, nodding, "So what's the plan? You do have a plan, right?"
"Yeah..." Thomas said hesitantly.
"Well we followed you out here, Thomas!" Newt sighed, his voice cracking, "And now you're telling us you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing"
"Newt, calm down" I whispered, softly, "It's okay."
"Wait" Aris spoke up, as Newt ran his free hand through his hair, his grip still tight on me, "Janson said something about people... hiding in the mountains... Like a resistance."
"The right arm" Thomas said, in realisation, "If they're really against WICKED then maybe they can help us."
"People?" Newt scoffed, "In the mountains? Mountain people? That's your plan?"
"It's the only plan we have" he replied, getting defensive.
"Let's all just calm down here" I scolded, standing between them.
"Hey guys!" Winston called to us.
We wandered over to him, with me no longer in Newt's grasp.
"Check this out" he said, "Minho, give me a light"
Minho crouched down beside him and shed the light on the floor. We all gasped when we saw footsteps leading into the darkness.
"Someone's been down here" said Thomas.
We followed the footprints and Minho aimed the torch into the room to which the footsteps lead.
"Come on, open up!" he commanded, and all the guys helped lift the gate.
We wandered inside and looked around. I laughed as Teresa switched a torch on and squinted her eyes as it shone in her face.
Minho picked up a jacket and looked at me.
"Looks like people lived here" he said to me.
I glanced at Newt who was busy staring at something. I walked over and stood beside him, intertwining our fingers casually and pretending to look around when he looked at me.
"Then where are they now?" he asked rhetorically, not taking his eyes off me.
"Let's pick some of this up" said Thomas, shaking a shirt, "Look around, see what else you can find. We'll meet back here."
I shrugged and looked through the piles of clothes. I found a red sleeveless top and some blue jeans and hid behind a wall, changing into them.

I emerged and Newt was wearing a jacket and a scarf. I smiled at him and grabbed a black leather jacket, slipping it on.
"Let's go and have a wander" I said.
"Y/N wait" he demanded, stopping me in my tracks, "I'm sorry."
"What for?" I asked.
"For questioning Thomas" he replied, "But mostly for not finding you earlier..."
"No, Newtie" I protested, "You don't need to apologise, you've done nothing wrong!"
He smiled, half-heartedly at me, before pulling me closer to him.
"I love you very much" he whispered.
"I love you even more" I grinned, my lips hovering in front of his teasingly.
"No" he stated, "You really don't"
And with that he pulled my lips to his.

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