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Minho's Point Of View

Aris threw another bit in the fire and sat down beside Newt. It had been silent for about fifteen minutes now, no one seemed in the mood to talk after Winston's death. A thought occurred to me, so I spoke up.
"I thought we were supposed to be immune?" I said, looking at the others.
"Not all of us" Teresa answered back, "I guess"
"If Winston can get infected" said Newt, hesitantly, "We should assume that so can the rest of us"
"I never thought I'd say it" Fry sighed, "But I miss the Glade."
I looked around at my friends, all our eyes tearstained.
"It's times like this that we need Y/N" Thomas laughed, sadly, "She would know exactly how to cheer us up."
He caught eyes with Newt, who nodded slightly and looked down at his feet.
God, I hope we find her.

Third Person Point Of View

Thomas groaned and woke up. Everyone else was still asleep, positioned in a protective circle. He looked up and spotted lights in the distance by the mountains, causing his eyes to widen.
"Guys" he croaked, his voice dry from thirst, "Guys get up. Frypan, up! Aris, come on! I see something"
"What is it?" Newt rasped, before coughing slightly.
Thomas pointed at the lights and everyone gaped.
"We made it"
The whole group flinched as lightning flashed behind them.
"Let's go" he ordered, "Come on, let's go, let's go"
He picked up his bag, and they all began running towards the lights. They ran and ran as fast as their legs could carry them, but Thomas slowed down as he realised Teresa was falling behind.
"Come on!" he yelled, pushing her forward, lightly.
Teresa ran faster and Thomas did too. They were so close to the door when Minho and Thomas fell to the ground. Thomas looked up, hitting his right ear with his hand. He turned and looked behind him and there lay Minho, smoke emerging from him.
"Minho!" he yelled as loud as he could.
Aris was beside him in an instant, taking one of Minho's arms and lifting him up. Newt took the other arm and together they carried him the rest of the way.
"Come on!" Frypan encouraged, holding the door open for them.
They ran inside and Frypan slammed the door shut, making wherever they were pitch black.
"Who's got a light?" Thomas asked, and Newt turned on a torch.
"Minho!" Thomas said, shaking him, "Minho, wake up!"
"Come on Minho!" Frypan mumbled.
"Come on, man" Newt whispered.
Minho let out a groan and opened his eyes. He looked up at everyone's relieved faces, a confused look painted on his own.
"What happened?" he wondered.
Thomas answered, "You were struck by lightning"
"Ugh" he said.
"Come on, can you get up" Newt asked, gently.
All the boys pulled him up and steadied him. Minho thanked them, then all their gazes turned to Teresa.
"Hey guys?" she called, "What's that smell?"
Someone shed a light over at her and a creature was stood in front of her. Everyone screamed but it fell, a chain pulling it back.
"Behind you!" Teresa warned, and two of the creatures ran at the boys.
All the creatures that tried to attack were chained to things.
"I see you've met our guard dogs" said a girl, who stood in a doorway.
She made a direct beeline towards them, ignoring all the creatures trying to claw at her.
"You guys look terrible" she commented, "Come on, follow me"
Seeing their suspicious faces, she added, "Unless you want to stay here with them?"

Newt's Point Of View

I watched, suspiciously as the girl opened a yellow door and led us through it. I looked around at the building, filled with people. Some gathered around fires, some lying asleep.
"Come on, keep up!" the girl called, "Jorge wants to meet you."
"Who's Jorge?" Thomas asked her.
She smiled at him, "You'll see. No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got them curious... And me too"
I looked at Frypan, then behind me, then back at Frypan again.
"Is anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" I asked, quietly.
"Let's just hear him out and hear what he has to say" Tommy answered.
We followed the girl up another flight of stairs.
"Jorge" she said, "They're here"
He shushed her raising one finger. She rolled her eyes and took a seat on the sofa. Jorge turned to us, hands on his hips.
"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?" he wondered.
I scoffed.
"Three questions" he said, picking up a glass, "Where did you come from, where are you going... and how can I profit?"
"We're trying to find our friend. She was taken from us," Minho informed him.
His eyes widened, "Do you mean Y/N?"
The girl leaned forward in her seat.
"You know her?" I breathed.
He nodded, "Nice girl"
"Do you know where she is?" I asked.
"I'm the one asking questions here" he snapped, "I may answer yours if you're cooperative... Question number two, where did you come from?"
I looked at the others, everyone stayed silent.
"Don't all answer at once" he commented, sarcastically.
"That's our business" Minho snapped, defensively.
Jorge raised his eyebrows and the men behind us grabbed us, pushing us to the ground. I watched as the girl scanned the back of Tommy's neck with some machine.
"You were right" she grinned at Jorge.
He took the machine from her and looked at Thomas.
"I'm sorry, hermano" he shrugged, "Looks like you're tagged... You came from WICKED which means... You're very valuable..."

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