9 memories

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   Lotor, stood in the corner letting himself be consumed by the darkness present in the room.

   "Hēltrúst jîfrreñgé." The chanting came from the druids. As they moved in a circular motion. Through the gaps between their feet, Lotor could see their anchor. A frail boy, who lies on the ground, motionless.

   Lotor smiled, as the weapon was created. Looking at the alchemic mist that floated above the ritual, showing the boy's memories.

   There were ones of his childhood, some with his family, others at an ocean. They all just zipped through the screen.


   Lotor looked at Haggar thinking she was the one who spoke.


   Haggar took a step back a smile plastered onto her face.


   He realised with a shock that the words were coming from the mist.

   "Why didn't you die then?"

   The mist showed him drowning after being pulled out by a riptide.

   "You would of saved everyone so much trouble."

   A picture of his family shot onto the screen, it becoming replaced by the paladins of Voltron after a few ticks.

   Each of the paladins started to fade from the image. First was and an Altean with a gorgeous moustache. Then a small gremlin. The tall multi coloured hair person was next. The dark skinned one faded very slowly. Then the princess. And lastly the one with the flap of hair on it's neck.

   Lotor grinned. "Now see if you can get any information out of him."

   "Yes, Prince Lotor." The druid bowed, before turning back to the magic circle.

   Screams were heard from the Paladin as the process became forced. The chanting increasing.

   The screen became blank to Lotors eyes, nothing but the black void. Every couple of minutes, when the screaming would intensify, you could see a quick flash of the other paladins.

    Some snapshots were them smiling, others injured, but it was too quick to get a location.

   We are getting a better look at the people in his life, not the location.

   Lotor's cheeks lifted, to form a face that could only be described as demonic.

   "Perfect." He whispered.

   Almost like the world heard his cheer, Druids started fainting, one by one.

   "What's going on?" He turned to the robed Altean.

    "You useless fools." The druid yelled as she moved to a now vacant spot. Lifting her arms as she shot purple plasma into the misty screen.

    Lotor watched intently, he noticed that before the druids fell, they would pull back their arms as if trying to escape.

    He moved his head so he could watch Haggar, and see her reactions.

   Her eyes widened before she pulled back. "Stop, stop." She stood back, moving her hand from right to left. "Everyone, pick up the weak and move them out of the room." You couldn't see her face but by the tone of her voice you could tell she was smiling. "I would like a quick talk with the prince."

All the Druids teleported somewhere, how would Lotor know where?

Lotor stood straight as the Druid neared. "What happened, croon." He looked down at Haggar, snarling when she replied.

"A nightmare, my Prince."

"And, what's that?" There was no kindness in his words, just straight hate.

"It's when memories combine, more specifically, when bad memories come together."

"So", he waved his hands in circles. "What your saying, is that these druids couldn't withstand some bad memories?"

"No, they definitely can withstand bad memories, but what we saw through the paladins was much scarier then a normal 'heartache'"
She ignored Lotor's try to insult the hag again. "Let me show you."

Lightning shot out of Haggars hands, forming a screen in front of him. It showed a young boy standing happily as a shadow crept behind him.

    The shadow manipulated his body, the distress present on his face, it forced him to smile, forced him to do things that he would never do.

    The shadow controlled his life, it picked his friends, it picked life, and who he will become. Forcing him to be "perfect".

    Lotor understood who and what the shadow was. He had lived a life like that too.

    Then different aspects started being added in, guns, a broken wine glass, and blood, lots of it.

    The gun switched between the boys hand and the shadows, it showing it what to do.

    The boy shot at a target, bullseye. The target morphed into a screaming Galra, then innocent bystanders. Each image worse then the last.

    Haggar pulled her hands away, "thats some of the nightmare."

    Lotor looked at her, "that wasn't really scary at all."

    "No his is not, but when a 'nightmare' happens the scene develops into the seer's fears," the womens hood covered her face, only her evil smile available to see, "if you haven't come to terms with your demons, you have a high chance of dying."

    Lotor smiled. He doesn't give a damn about whether the druids live or die. But the interruption the nightmare had caused gave him time to meet this 'blue paladin' properly.

    He walked up to the fainted figure, lifting the Paladin up with one hand under his knees and the other supporting his back. "I'll take him to his cell, Old-Hag."

    Haggar bowed as I left the room with the Paladin in my arms. He's got a nice face, I have to admit that.


Sorry guys that this chapter is so much shorter then the others. I've had some major writers block and school had been difficult in this last term. I hope you can forgive me.

Anyway, since it's the end of the year, I was wondering if I should do an Q&A. Thank you.

Editor approved 👍

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