10 Comfort

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    Ezor smiled as she saw Lotor exiting the cell. She bounced up to him bubbling with excitement. She can finally get some answers to what happened with the druids. "So, what have we found out?"

    Lotor glanced at Ezor, before lifting his hand to his face in frustration. "That this kid, and likely the rest of the Paladins have PTSD."

    They walked to the meeting room where the other four generals currently sat in silence. Lotor told them about the nightmare and how it would affected the original plan. "How has a kid so young become so traumatised?" He almost screamed at the generals.

    Ezor smiled and shrugged. Letting what her leader said sink in. "You know, in a way that can also be put to our advantage."

    Lotor looked dumbfounded as he turned his head to Ezor. "How?"

    "Well if we find the main reason why the physiological disorder came to be, then all we have to do is use that to gain his trust." Everyone nodded, except for Zethrid who just gave Ezor this blank look.
With a huff, she explained a bit simpler to make sure Zethrid doesn't miss understand and kill him instead. "We give him what he believes had been missing."

     Zethrid crossed her arms and sulked. "Or we could kill him."

    "No Zethrid, that would only cause more problems."

    Lotor rubbed his eyes again using the motion to hide a small yawn. Everyone could tell how much he needed to sleep. The dark circles under his eyes noticeable from miles away.

    "I guess we should assign someone to him then?" Axca leaned forward in her seat, looking Lotor in the eye as he tried to rub the need of sleep away.

    "I guess so," he gave a huff as he looked at each of his generals, his eyes stopped on Ezor. "Ezor, can you keep him company?" Ezor solute, giving him a quick 'yes sir'.
He suddenly clapped his hands together with a tired smile on his face. "Well, I'm going to go to bed, good night my generals." And he left, the door closing behind him.

     All the generals smiled fondly at there Prince, happy he's finally getting some sleep.


    Ezor carried there prisoners breakfast as she carefully bounced down the hall. She politely knocked on his door before entering.

    A figure sat in the corner of the room. Their knees up to there chest with their head pushed into their knees. It must be Lance, there isn't anybody else in this cell.

    Ezor heard small, barely noticeable, sobs coming from the lump. A happy smiled spread onto her lips. This would be easier then she thought.

    Placing a concerned look onto her face, Ezor slowly made her way to Lance. She walked slowly making sure her footsteps were audible to not scare him.

    She slowly lowered herself next to him, carefully placing an arm around his shoulder attempting a comforting hug. "Lance, I heard about what happened with the druids." She kept her voice calm and filled with worry, even though Lance being in this state is making her life ten times easier. "Do you want to talk about it?"

    Lance uncurled. He leaned his head back against the corner walls. He wiped away his tears before looking at Ezor and shaking his head. Ezor frowned a genuine frown. So he doesn't trust me enough yet?

    Ezor placed an understanding smile on her face. She scooted away from Lance and passed him his food. He smiled whilst taking it, letting out a horse 'thank you' befor beginning to eat.

    Lance drank all the water in seconds before he even started eating. Taking the empty glass, Ezor took the opportunity to leave.

    She needs to gather her thoughts.

    "I'll go refill your glass, your really thirsty aren't you?"

    "Yeah." He gave a small grimace. "Going through bad memories does that to you." Lance smiled at Ezor, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. At least Ezor still had hope.

    Ezor stood up and left the cell, making sure to lock the door behind her.

    She happily skipped down the hall. Besides the fact he blocked her at one point, everything else was going fairly smoothly.

    She entered the kitchen heading to the sink to fill up the cup.

    "So how's our little paladin doing?"

    Ezor spun around so fast the dangling part of her head wacked her in the face. Carefully placing the glass of water down she places her hand to where the head-tail(?) wacked her. She looked to the doorway seeing Axca leaning against the frame, a small smile on her face.

    "Don't scare me like that Axca!"

    Axca only laughed at her teammate as she walked forward. "What's the glass of water for?" she tilted her head slightly indicating towards the glass.

    "It's for the paladin, he had drunk through the first glass in second so I thought it would be nice to get him another."

    Axca nodded, now leaning against one of the kitchen benches. "And how is he doing?"

    Ezor let out an over-dramatic sigh. "Well, he is traumatised, walked in on him having an episode." Axca nodded, waving her hand for Ezor to continue. "He also seems to have his guard up since he wouldn't tell me what's wrong."

    "I see." Axca walked over to the water, a small grin on her face. "Might have something to help lower that guard of his." She took out a packet of some kind of drug. Shaking the packet before opening it, she poured the drug into the water. She then took out a small spoon and mixed the drug into what used to be water.

    By the time she was finished the water was basically the same if only the tiniest bit mistier. You wouldn't be able to notice it in the dim lightIng of a cell.

    "There that should make him a bit more talkative."

    Ezor nodded giving Axca a large hug in thank you, before grabbing the glass and walking back to the cell.

    She twirled the glass around as she walked, watching as the water span around the glass.

    She entered the room, slowly walking towards the figure in the corner. She sat down beside him giving him a warm smile before passing him the water. "Feeling a bit better now?"

    He nodded as took a sip of the water. He leaned his head back against the wall letting out a large sigh. "You know Ezor." She looked at him as he spoke. "I have this feeling of being left behind, but I can't figure out where from." Ezor's mind started celebrating, he's talking about his problems with me. "And I keep seeing these faces in my memories but I can't place a name to them." Ezor made a note to tell Lotor about that. "It's really annoying me because whenever they come up in my memories I'm suddenly extremely sad, especially towards the one with black hair."

    Ezor thought through the words carefully. He doesn't remember their names and is unable to figure out the meaning of his sadness. She wanted to smirk when the next idea came into her head. "Maybe the sadness, is a feeling of being betrayed?"

     He suddenly turned his head towards Ezor a wide smile on his lips. He suddenly jumped up and gave Ezor a hug screaming 'thank you' over and over again.

    Ezor pats his back a smile gracing her lips as she told him that it wasn't a problem. Ending the hug she gave Lance a friendly smile. "Well, I should get going," Ezor said smiling.

    She picked up the empty food tray and the now empty cup then left the cell, locking the door behind her. She skipped down the hall grinning.

    This is going to be so much easier than I originally thought.


1310 words

Hello, I know it's been a while. So at this point I think it is quite likely that some of characters will behave off character, since I am no longer as invested in the series as I once was. So sorry about that.

And sorry about just vanishing. I have no excuse except the fact this chapter has been finished for over a month now. . . Yeah.

Bye see you next time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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