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"Hi, can I have a chai tea latte and a... black coffee?" A blue eyed man asks me, pulling out his wallet to pay.

I peek over his shoulder to see if anyone is with him. "Are you gonna drink both of those by yourself?" I laugh a bit. "That'll be five dollars and thirty two cents, please."

He shakes his head. "I'm meeting someone. Blind date, sort of. Heart Buzz date."

Heart Buzz? What the fuck is Heart Buzz?

"Oh, alright. Good luck, man. I'll have those right up for you," I give a polite smile before heading to make the drinks.

"Ashley," I call to my coworker and best friend. "could you refill the cups, please?"

The blonde haired girl closes the drive-thru window. "Yeah, sure, there's no one else in line."

I get together the chai latte and the coffee and set them on the counter, calling out the order for the man to pick them up.

"Hey, Ash?" I ask, watching as she added to the stack of paper and plastic cups. "You ever heard of Heart Buzz?"

"You haven't?" She laughs, looking at me like I'm crazy. "It's everywhere lately. It's a new dating site,"

She explains the concept to me, that it was essentially an online blind date. You don't know what the person you're talking to looks like because there aren't any pictures. You go solely off of what their profile says. Their interests, stuff like that. If you two 'like' each other, you're 'matched' and can message each other.

"You should really try it," Ashley tells me.

It comes off as rude to anyone who doesn't know her. It's more of a joke, though.

"Yeah, alright, sure." I roll my eyes, heading back over to the cash register.

"Really, Luna! All you ever do is lock yourself up in your studio. You haven't dated since high school," She says rather loudly, earning a glare from me.

"Yeah, well, maybe I'm just destined to be alone. To die in a house full of cats..." I half-joke.

The conversation is cut off as a woman walks through the doors. She heads over to the man from earlier and he stands to greet her. They exchange a hug before sitting down together. They're both all smiles as they talk.

Maybe Heart Buzz isn't a bad idea. Maybe I'll give it a shot.


I head to my studio, ready to spend every free hour that I have there in preparation for the tiny exhibit I'm putting together of my paintings.
I dropped off a painting about a month ago to a nearby gallery. They put it in their art show and it was the first piece to sell. When people wouldn't stop asking about the artist and where they could buy other pieces, the gallery decided to give me my own two day art show. They get ten percent of the profit from any pieces that sell, but that's not bad at all.

My current work in progress taunts me as I open up my computer. I'm the queen of putting things off, nothing new. I'll finish the painting before the art show this weekend. It's Monday, I've got all week.

I type in and hit enter.

I'm met by the site and asked to 'Login or Sign Up!'.

I hit 'Sign Up', still feeling iffy about it.

I zoom through the questions about my interests and write a few sentences in the 'About Me' about how I love art and that I'm an artist, my favorite mediums to work with... stuff like that. I choose the username 'starrymoondust'.

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