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Luna's leg bounces up and down as we drive to pick up my mom.

When we pull into the parking lot, I bring a hand to her thigh. It makes her stop bouncing.

"Lu, I promise she'll love you." I assure her.

"What if she doesn't like my tattoos or she thinks-" She starts talking quicker than I've ever heard her talk.

"Luna, hey..." I bring a hand up to her cheek.

Her big, brown eyes look up at me. She's anxious, it's obvious.

"What's on your mind?" I ask her.

"I just..." She sighs, looking down at her lap. "This is really important. I really want her to like me, and I know you say she already does, but... sometimes you'll like someone until you meet them. And if she doesn't like me, then you..." The girl fades out, a sad look on her face.

I know what she's getting at. She thinks that if my mom doesn't like her, I'll break up with her.

"Luna, even if my mom despised you...that wouldn't influence how I feel about you. When your dad told you to break up with me, did that change the way you felt about me?"

"No," She shakes her head. "I understand what you mean, I'm just nervous...that's all."

"I know, Lu. I felt the same way when I met your dad for the first time,"

She undoes her seatbelt and gives me a small smile. "Well, let's do it!"

We get out of the car and head inside, holding hands as we go.

My mom's eyes light up when she sees Luna.

"It is so great to meet you," She says as she pulls Luna into a hug. A hug is a huge step in the right direction for her. Mom usually isn't big on hugs. "The pictures that Spencer sent don't do you justice."

I've sent her quite a few photos of Luna and I.

My fiancé laughs a little bit. "Thank you! It's great to finally meet you. I've heard so many stories and seen so many photos."


At breakfast, the three of us chat. Luna asks what I was like as a kid and my mom proceeds to tell story after story, starting with how I wanted to be a tightrope walker when I grew up and fell off of the fence in the backyard, earning myself a small scar on my wrist. And then she goes on about how the next thing I wanted to be was a magician. Luna is all smiles throughout our time together. She shows her visible tattoos and scrolls through some pictures of her art.

When we take mom back, we spend another hour or so with her before taking off. I made some plans for Luna and I that require some shopping.

I know that she didn't bring any fancy clothes with, so... we have to do some shopping.

"Where ya heading, captain?" She asks as we pass by our hotel. "You passed it,"

"I'm taking you to get a dress, a nice one. I didn't see you pack one," I tell her, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I would have if you would've told me," She chuckles and I can see her shake her head out of the corner of my eye.


At a rather nice dress shop, Luna browses the racks, looking through the gowns.

"So, you're not gonna tell me what we're doing tonight?" She asks once again.

I laugh asking shake my head again. "No, Luna. It's a surprise,"

The girl shoots me a playful glare. "You're gonna take me somewhere and murder me, I just know it."

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