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Engaged. I'm...engaged. It feels weird to say.

A month zips by faster than ever with Spencer working a lot of cases. He's taken on extra work because of JJ's departure. He seems stressed and every moment that he's not at work, he's with me.

My art show is on Saturday and Sunday and I've completed six new paintings over the course of this past month. I also completed a few clay sculptures and some collage art pieces.

Today is Thursday.

It doesn't look like Spencer will make it, unfortunately. He's been on this case for three days.

"I will make it, I promise." He tells me over the phone.

I chuckle a little bit. "Spencer, it's fine if you don't. Believe me, it's not a really big deal. I can take pictures for you. Your job is important,"

"You're important,"

"I know, but what's more important right now is that you solve that case. The world needs saving, Spence."

He lets out a tiny sigh. "Well, I miss you."

"I miss you," I tell him. "What would you say to having FaceTime session tonight?"

"A sexy FaceTime session?" He asks and I can almost hear the smirk on his lips.

I scoff, an amused smile taking over my lips. "What? You wanna watch me touch myself like...a porn star?"

"Well- oh, shit. I'm sorry, Lu. I have to go. I love you,"

"I love you!" I tell him before the line clicks.

I stare down at my phone. At the picture of the two of us on my home screen. That's my baby! He's out there saving the world.

A new message from Penelope pops up on the top of my screen and I tap it.

Pen 🐇: In DESPERATE NEED of some girl time. Movie marathon tonight?

Ooh, Spencer won't get his sexy FaceTime session. Oh, well! I type back...

Me: hmm, that depends on what movies. aha! of course, I'm always up for a girl's night!!

She answers back almost immediately.

Pen 🐇: Great! My place or yours?

Me: I have a projector in my studio!! how's that sound?

Pen 🐇: YES!! Okay! Send me the address and I'll meet you there at around seven?

Me: it's a plan! 👈😎👈


The rest of the day goes by quickly. I head into work at ten and get out at five. I'm exhausted and really looking forward to the movie marathon with Penelope.

I decide to give Spencer a call when I get home. It goes to voicemail, so I leave him a message.

"Hey, Spence. It's me. I'm having a movie marathon with Pen tonight, so... unfortunately you won't be getting your sexy FaceTime session." I laugh, running a hand through my hair. "Anyway, uh, I think I'm gonna take a shower before heading to my studio to meet Penelope. I love you! Later!"

I hang up the phone and let out a tiny sigh. I miss him a lot.

After doing some tidying up around my apartment, I grab some clean clothes and a towel for after I shower and set them on the sink in the bathroom before turning the water on and getting undressed.

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