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"God, why do they put these in packs of three?" I say as I hand Spencer an ice cream bar from the box and grab one for myself. "The last one is gonna be melted before I get home,"

"We could share it," Spencer suggests, tearing the wrapper off of his bar and shoving it into the box.

I do the same, taking a bite of my ice cream. "Alright, that works." I say through a mouthful of ice cream, immediately regretting it as the boy next to me laughs.

I laugh as I swallow the ice cream down. "I'm so sorry! I'm a straight-up barbarian," I say once my mouth is free and clear of ice cream.

"No, it's cute," Spencer chuckles.

I shake my head. "It most certainly is NOT cute," I tell him before taking another bite.

"Do you have any friends in D.C.?" He asks me. "You've mentioned Ashley once or twice, but is there anyone else?"

I stay quiet, still chewing my ice cream.

"Sorry, I didn't hear an answer." He says, smiling devilishly.

I smack his arm, holding in the laugh that would surely make me spit everywhere.

"You want me to choke and die?" I say once the ice cream is down. "That's what's gonna happen,"

"I know the Heimlich maneuver, I'd save you." He jokes back, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"What if I die before you can?"

"CPR," He says with a smile, his mouth full this time.

Okay, it's kind of cute when he does it.

"Anything to get your mouth on mine, huh, Dr. Reid?"

He laughs, chewing another bite. It takes him a few seconds before he can answer. "Of course, Miss Cooke."

Ugh. That gave me some type of feeling. Like he's a college professor and I'm his student. He certainly dresses the part.

"Ooh, don't call me 'Miss Cooke'. Gives me feelings," I take another bite of my ice cream.

"Good ones?" He asks.

I take another bite and avoid answering.

"Oh," Spencer says in response to my silence. "Let me guess. You have a college professor fantasy thing?"

On Saturday, this flirty Spencer was only existent over text message. He was so shy on Saturday when it came to talking with me. Maybe our make out session had awoken the flirt in real life Spencer.

I ignore him once again, rolling my eyes and looking at him with a smile. I turn my body so that I'm facing him directly, my legs tucked under each other and my back against the door. I suck at the remaining ice cream on the stick, trying to tease him. If he's gonna tease me, he'd better be prepared to be teased right back.

"Well, you'd probably like to know that I lecture at colleges quite often," His gaze falls on my mouth.

"Oh, yeah? What about?" I grab the remaining ice cream bar from the box and toss the wooden stick into it with the rest of the garbage. Spencer discards his stick as well. I peel the wrapper off and put it in the box, too.

"What I do at work," He watches closely as I bite into the ice cream on one side. "how we catch serial killers and other criminals,"

I nod, holding the ice cream out to him. "So, how-"

I'm cut off when his hand wraps around mine. He lowers and angles it so that he can take a bite. He keeps his eyes locked on mine as his teeth break the chocolate shell and his plump lips close around the ice cream. When he pulls away, I'm still holding the ice cream out like an idiot, watching his mouth. His tongue pokes out so that he can lick the ice cream off of his lips.

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