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I can't believe that Luna's dad really tried to convince her to break up with me and that we aren't right for each other.

It hurts to know. Somehow, though, I don't think that he believes we aren't right for each other...or that we'll 'crash and burn'.

I think that he's afraid of Luna growing up and leading a life of her own. Especially because he doesn't have his wife anymore and Stella is twenty and soon to be moving out. The man is going to be alone and he's clinging onto his kids for dear life because they're all he has left.

Dinner starts out awkward and quiet. I can tell that Luna is embarrassed to have been yelled at in front of everyone. I would be, too. She stays quiet and avoids her dad. The girl holds my hand under the table throughout most of the meal.

Throughout dinner, Luna kept getting up to answer the door and hand out candy. I joined her when she finally decided to sit on the bench in the hall and eat her food.

I give away nearly the entire bowl of candy to a pair of kids dressed as the Doctor and the TARDIS. Watching Luna interact with the kids throughout the night put the biggest smile on my face. I know she's going to make a great mom someday. I know it.

The case is finished up the next day and we head home that night. Luna and I decide to head to her place, only to find a note on her door saying that she'd need to be out of the building in sixty days.

So, naturally, I offered for her to move in with me. And she did!

Over the course of a month, Luna started bringing her stuff over little by little. She sold or donated the big stuff that wouldn't fit, and brought the rest over. Well, some of the rest. She'd gotten rid of a ton of her stuff, leaving her pretty much just her clothes and a few special things that she couldn't get rid of. She did it without even telling me, and when I asked why there wasn't more to be moved out, she'd told me that she'd gotten rid of a lot because she didn't want to 'disturb the vibe' of my apartment, or fill it with clutter.

I told her that it's our apartment now, and that she can put up whatever she wants.

We had a small spat about rent and utilities, me telling her that I don't need her to pay half of it and her not backing down about paying her share. Finally, we came to an agreement that if she pays half the rent, I'll cover the utilities.

The first night she stayed over after turning in her apartment keys, we talked almost all night. She snuggled up to me and told me how much she loves me and how happy she is to be with me. I told her just the same.

Luna is asleep with her head resting on my shoulder as we land in Paris.

"Lu," I lightly nudge her and push back some of her hair. "Baby, wake up..."

A tiny smile spreads across her lips and she lets out a happy sigh. "I like when you call me 'baby',"

A small chuckle escapes my mouth. "We're landing,"

The girl sits up and rubs her eyes. "No kidding. What time is it?"

I take a peek at my watch. "At home it's ten thirty-six. So, here it's four thirty-six,"

"Jeez," She lets out a yawn. "So, everyone back home is at work and me and you are in Paris. Suckers,"

I chuckle and smile at her.


"Well, this is gonna be fun." Luna says as she stares at the steering wheel in front of her. "This is the wrong side of the car."

"It's just a change in seating," I tell her and she turns to me with a playful, annoyed look.

"I know that," She chuckles. "Now, do they drive on the right side or the left side?"

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