Chapter Twenty

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Its been a few days since I got the cold and spent two days in bed, Jun by my side. In two days, we're supposed to be heading off to Whitby with Uncle James but right now, I could only think about the annoying noises beside me. I tried to restrain myself and concentrate on what the textbook in front of me was saying. Chemistry is already frustrating enough, I didn't need Jun and Mira to be an addition to my already existing headache. They both were being really loud and it was just getting worse. The last thing I want while trying to memorize the properties of halogens is to hear two kids making animal noises back and forth to each other beside me. They'd laugh loudly too, I can't stand it. It would've been amusing any other time, in fact, really adorable but not now.

"Ohmygod, just shut. Up!" I shouted suddenly making both of them freeze and face me. There was a moment of silence before Uncle James burst out laughing. He finished all his work this morning so he's free until we go to England, two days from now. He was just sitting with us at our room, waiting for Petra to come back.

"Sowwy!" Mira got up on her feet, raising both her hands. "Chun! Sowwy!" She ordered my brother.

"We apologize." Jun grinned "Why are you so angry anyways?" He wrapped his arms around Mira and pulled her on his lap. The little girl gladly threw herself over him and embraced his arm lovingly.

"I'm studying! And it's such a headache! Stop being so loud, aren't you supposed to be studying too?!"

"Unlike you," Jun started obnixiously, as he rocked Mira sideways. "We finished our work a long time ago, right bumblebee?"

"Mm! Cat! Dok!"

"Yes! We learnt all the animal names and how to spell it, what did you do?"

"I'm going to kill you!" I jumped off the bed and tackled both of them down. Mira burst out laughing, her voice loud and playful. I sat up and looked at her. "You're so cheeky." I grabbed her and pulled her up. She couldn't even stand up from how much she was laughing, just dropping down on my lap, rolling around. I smiled.

"Hey Yun, what does this say?" Uncle James suddenly asked, handing me a small card. I held it and tilted my head at him in question. "I don't have my glasses, just tell me." He explained

"Okay," I looked at the card for a while, reading what was on it for Uncle James before handing it back to him.

"Thanks." He grinned and put it back in his pocket. Why did he need me to read it now? Oh well. I faced the little girl again and picked her up, giving her back to my brother and going to my bed to continue the chapter I was studying. Uncle James grabbed my book before I could and shut it. "Enough studying for today, Yun." He smiled "Play with your brother and Mira, just for now alright? You said you have a headache, thats a sign for you to stop."

I frowned "I can study with a headache."

"But it's better to rest."

"I don't wan–"

"Yes! Come on you party pooper, come play!" Jun exclaimed from behind me

"Pooper!" Mira repeated, making Jun and Uncle James just explode into laughter as I stared with a horrified expression at her.

"Jun! Look what you taught her!!"

"It's fine." Jun took a deep breath after laughing "It's just pooper."

"Poooper!" Mira pointed at me "Yun! Pooper!"


She covered her mouth with both her hands, chuckling cheekily like she knew she said something bad. Jun is seriously bad influence on her, I am so going to kill them both. "You know what Uncle?" I got up "You're right. Enough studying."

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