Chapter Thirty

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Today was a special day. It was also a very nerve-wracking day because we had no idea how it was going to play out. After we ate a late breakfast at the hotel, we went back to the room. I got Mira ready, dressing her in her grey dress with purple boots. I wore a brown shirt and black jacket on jeans. When Jun was ready, we went downstairs to the car he rented. I sat at the back with Mira and although Jun complained that he now looks like a driver, he still got in the front and drove towards Robin's school. We had made sure this morning to see if he went to school and we did see him leave early with his uniform on. It was almost three in the afternoon so we went to his school and parked by the gate, getting out and walking to the front of the school. There was still fifteen minutes left but we couldn't risk coming late and having him leave because he didn't want to wait.

After around ten minutes, we saw a car that we recognize park. Jun and I shared a look before watching Aunt Penny get out of her car and storm angrily towards us.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed in anger.

"Waiting for our brother, whats the problem with that?" I replied back casually.

"I told you to leave him alone!"

"Did it ever cross your mind that..." I started sarcastically "We're not obliged to listen to you?"

She stared at me speechless as Jun stopped himself from laughing and turned around. "You're hurting him!" She suddenly shouted, making the students coming out of the school look at us weirdly. "Do you not care about how he feels?! He does not want to see you!"

"That's what you think." I replied "You're the one who hurt him all these years."

"I would never hurt my Robin"

"He's not yours!" I found myself shouting. "He hates you!"

"He's a rebellious teenager! Its nothing new, you wouldn't know."

"Not like this. This isn't him 'rebelling'. And shall I remind you? Robin lived with me for 11 years of his life, I know him so much more than you ever will so stop pretending to be his mum when you barely act like an aunt."

"You're one rude child aren't you? You take a lot from your dads side, they're all bastards over there" She huffed as I felt myself at the verge of exploding.

"Don't you dare insult any of them!" I shouted, taking a step forward as Jun held my arm to stop me "They're all a thousand, no, a million times better than you could ever be! They're decent human beings unlike you and your bastard of a brother and sister! You're all just a bunch of selfish adults who could never understand how I or any of my siblings feel so could you just please get the hell away from our family?!"

A boy came and stood in front of me, pushing my shoulder "Who the hell are you and how dare you speak to my mum like that?"

I am about to breath fire. I pushed him back, making him stagger but I was too pissed so I pushed up again, making him stumble backwards before falling on the ground. "Get the hell away from me kid or I'll set your whole family on fire." I threatened, slightly concerned at the fact that I didn't feel like it was an empty threat.

"Yun," Jun whispered from beside me, tightening his grip on my arm "Calm down"

I tried to calm down but hearing Aunt Penny scream at me for pushing her son like that was not helping.

"What are you guys doing?"

Jun and I turned around so quickly to face Robin. He was staring at us with those same bold eyes, Ms. Russo behind him.

"You're gonna get in trouble if you cause a ruckus in front of the school." Ms. Russo commented.

Do I look like I care about that now?! I huffed out angrily and turned around to calm down.

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