Chapter Twenty Six

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Since Mira was feeling all better now and Jun wasn't doing work for Aunt Wilma anymore, my mood changed significantly. I was finally able to appreciate and enjoy my time with Jem. He was always all over the place, always has something to do whether it was to help Uncle Ken, arrange the things in the living room or leaving the house from 11am to 1pm. We tagged along every time and today was no different. Jem took us to a clifftop that viewed the sea. I knew Jem hated being around people which is why he always picked empty spots but I didn't know he really liked the sea. Whenever he sat down silently and watched it, it seemed as if he was enchanted, observing it in awe. If none of us addressed him, I'm sure he'd forget we were even there.

I handed Mira to Jun since we can't let her run around freely on such a high cliff and then sat down silently next to Jem.

"Jem," I started, making him snap out of it, blinking and smiling at me.


"Do you like the sea?"

He laughed "I don't necessarily like it." He started facing it again. I instantly understood, it's one of those weird Jem things. He's gonna try to explain it so that I could see it too but I still wouldn't get it. "You know, Yun, the sea is huge. It's enormous and it's so deep, no one knows how deep down it goes. It's like an abyss. A thick dark abyss covered in a layer of beautiful glittering light blue surface. I hate the colour blue you know? It's too naive, too beautiful, it's a trap, just like the sea. The sea looks gorgeous, it reflects the sunlight and dances with the wind but in a millisecond it could change and become a monstrous chaos of deadly waves. It could kill and destroy and drown, a nightmare dressed like a daydream. I hate the sea actually, but I'm awed by it I guess." He paused for a moment "Get it?"

I looked at him "Yeah... I guess?"

"Doesn't the description of what I said remind you of anything?"

"Uhh.." I thought about it really hard, what could it mean??

Jem sighed audibly "I thought you never got me because you were very little but even as an 18-yr old I sound insane to you?" Jem sighed again "Life, Yun, life! The sea is exactly like life. At least to me. It seems like a pleasant experience, and it sometimes is, but it's vast and has incredible depth, you can easily get lost in the middle, you can find yourself drowning at any moment. It can turn on you any second, large waves engulfing you and you're done for. We were all on one boat in a nice calm sea - mum, dad and the six of us. Suddenly, the ocean cracked and ripped our boat in half, drowning mum and dad, pulling us all apart in different directions. For you, it's been a series of crazy waves pulling you in and pushing you out constantly. Jun was in calm water but he was constantly inside it, at the verge of drowning, having enough breath breaks just to keep him alive. Me on the other hand, I was washed ashore on a nice small island, away from the rest of the world in my little world where it's happy but I was trapped. I didn't know where in the sea any of you were and didn't even know how to begin looking for any of you. I wonder how the sea has been like for Jewel, Robin and Mia. I hope it went easy on them. That's why I stare at the sea, Yun, I am wondering how cruel could it get to a 6 year old like Mia. A helpless boy like Robin."

I took a deep breath, understanding where he was coming from. "The sea has been nice to Jewel." I started "I think. I mean, she's happy."

Jem scoffed and smiled "Thanks Yun."

"The sea is cruel, yes." Jun suddenly appeared "But its unexpected and sometimes kind. The sea bought Mira to Yun, someone who means the world to him. It made you meet Elena, which also helped you a lot. Jewel met Theo. I...met Remi. Robin and Mia must've come across someone who's helped them, just like all of us have. We're gonna see it for ourselves because Yun and I are now on a small boat, Jem, and we're sailing across the sea until the edge of the world looking for our sibilings so you don't have to worry. If they hadn't met a person who helped them out, Yun and I will be that person to them and sea will make us meet because it's like that. It's not just cruel, it gives you little gifts every now and then." Jun paused and looked at Jem and I's bewildered faces. He laughed "Who would've thought I'd ever say something so Jem?" He joked

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