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10:03 PM

Even though Sorn answers my questions, it's always short and limited. I know she's not saying everything just like what I'm doing.

One thing's for sure: we mutually respect our wish not to talk about it. At least, not tonight.

We finished our late dinner. I pulled out money from what I earned in the whole time I was in the band and paid the bill.

I didn't earn much. We had to pay for our training fees first and then there's the dorm rent and food.

But anyway, Sorn saved my life although I wasn't sure if I wanted to be saved.

We took our bags and walked out of the bistro into the night. It's a little chilly now and much, much darker.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" I couldn't help but ask.

She stopped and turned to me. "Don't worry. I can manage from here. Anyway, thanks for the meal." She said, then added, "And please don't try to do that anymore. Take this as a signㅡthat we met and I pulled you back because life isn't done with you yet. Yeah, I know, I know that sounds bad because life is full of bullshit, but like I said, there's something for you out there. You just haven't found it yet. So, that's where I end my speech like the intellectual I am. Good night, Hwitaek." She bowed dramatically and I smiled.

"Good night, Sorn. Thank you."

She waved good bye and turned her back as she started walking away, it really felt like good bye.

Maybe I'll remember this for the rest of my lifeㅡwhen a girl saved me from the night I wanted to die.

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