Ch. 14- Pain

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Pain. Pain is a word that doesn't even come remotely close to describing how heartbroken I was feeling at this devastating moment. I was felt completely and fully blind from the joyful world around me. Everyone else is practically picking daisies, while I'm stuck in my own little cocoon suffering dispiritedness and depression.
But I knew inside my heart, I shouldn't and I couldn't let anyone see me like this. I don't like nor enjoy being wrapped up in this terrible love mishap, so I was at least going to try to force my little and weak heart to get over it and possibly love again. That was a huge task that consists of a lot of acting and pretending not to be completely dying inside and out, but I could try to accomplish it. This was already difficult, I thought negatively to myself.
I know that I barely had any time to react to what had just happened with Austin, but I at least thought I could push my stupid feelings to the side and be strong and brave for once in my life.
After discussing this with myself for a bit, Bob my bodyguard, and I flew back to L.A to face the press and the world.
Knowing the devious and horrifically sneaky camera men rolled the streets of every city 24/7, I'm guessing that they had caught "Ausmila" sharing DNA at one time or another. They probably also caught a glimpse of me too, which I was not too happy about.
Rumors were obviously being spread at this very second, but I didn't dare to look at one website or magazine informing me of my personal life troubles. All this drama irked me, especially since everyone knows about it all already.
On the plane that day, I wore pretty much all black and ugly colors to disguise me from practically everybody, but more the press than anyone. In my opinion, the thing that hid me the best was the darkly shaded sunglasses, that I was oddly and surprisingly fond of.
Listening to my "Top 25 Most Listened To" playlist the whole time on shuffle was a good way to pass time, especially when a person like me just wants to get home.
After the heinous plane ride to my home town, both Bob and I causally strolled through the busy airport lobby, trying not the get noticed.
Looking at the dirty, weirdly tiled floor angling my face to the ground, I soon looked up when I heard a certain girly voice screech my name.
"Nicoooole!" Ariana's voice happily spoke out, as she neatly adjusted the position of her expensive, Chanel dress.
"Shh, keep it down." My shakily voice cracked while speaking to her.
I yanked her in my limo that had currently just arrive (perfect timing), as we finishing our average conversation.
"Woah Nikki, you look like a mess. Late night with Austin?" She flirtatiously said, bumping my shoulder while fluttering her elegantly long eyelashes at me.
She was very unaware of all that had went down last night. Maybe there hasn't been any new reports or magazines on our relationship yet, I guess that's a plus?
"No Ariana, um, well Austin and I aren't together anymore." I say as a big ball arrived in my nervous throat, while I tried not to let out a big wail of sadness.
Tears swelled up in my big brown eyes, but I held it back, trying to show her that I was over him and ready to move on like I had planned to make it look like.
"What..? Why?" Her comforting voice, turned into a low and deep whisper voice.
A disconsolately look came across her face, as she turned her small body towards mine.
I explained every last detail since the moment I arrived in the cold state of Minnesota, while not making eye contact for the first three minutes of the story, caused by extreme but temporary waterworks.
"Wow, Nicole." Ariana spoke, with tears in her eyes as well.
She grabbed me and pulled me into a tight, consoled hug out of sympathy.
"Camila should have never done that and Austin shouldn't have let it happen either. I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone, you deserve so much better than stinky old Austin Mahone." She giggled still with tears ricocheting down her face, and also forced a solace smile to go with it.
I really do appreciate all she has done for me and I wouldn't be enjoying my life without my best friend.
Arriving at my house, all I wanted to do was fall into a deep sleep of agony, but I strained myself to not.
Taking a long, relaxing shower kind of helped relieve all the extra stress that was balled up inside of me, but not quite all of it yet.
Hopping out of the warm, astounding shower, I became instantly cold as I wrapped a towel around my damp body.
After getting dressed into basic sweats and putting up a casual messy bun, I sat on my large living room couch... And possibly shoving my face with chocolate ice cream, to go with watching "America's Next Top Model" for the rest of dull day.
Ariana was, of course, spending the rest of the day with me, just to make sure I was healthy, happy and ok.
Closer to the end of the night I felt quite daring and stupid and surprisingly better, so once I heard Ariana's phone buzz on the other side of the hollow room, I ran to it just to joke around a bit. I quickly read who it was from: Jai Brooks.
Aww it's her boyfriend, actually I mean ew it's her boyfriend, cause I'm a loner and single now! This really sucks.
Ariana obviously noticed that I so suddenly shot up when her phone had ringed, so she started to chase me around the house to get her beloved phone back to her.
Skipping around the house, flailing her phone in the air I screamed to her, "OHLALA IT'S YOUR OH-SO FANCY BOYFRIEND JAI." I teased her.
"GIVE IT BACK NICOLE, UGH." She laughed and hollered at me from the staircase.
She finally caught up to my out of shape body and snatched her priceless phone out of my hands.
"You caught me red handed, I give up Officer Grande." I say lifting both of my wrists up, as she pretending to put imaginary hand cuffs on them.
We soon made our way back to the couch as I jumped on it for once happily, plopping my big butt on it. Once I did, I realized that I had just sat on a long, hard object. The remote.
Sitting on the remote it caused the channel to change right away.
It turned right onto E! News, haha what a big fat surprise. Just no.
Giving me no time to hestitate or grab the remote from under my butt, the host of the show soon announced to the cameras loudly and clearly, "ALRIGHT GUYS, we had big news, big drama for little, missy Nicole Gomez. We had recently just spotted Gomez, Mahone and Cabello all in the same exact location late at night, possibly right after the end of Austin's concert? Who knows! Well right now, we have real footage from that night, showing Camila and Austin intensely kissing it up, while Gomez is in the background crying her eyeballs out. Who wouldn't?! Austin soon chases after the beauty, but she declines him and then disappears. We soon see Mahone scream at Cabello and angrily walk away from her. And that's all the photos we have from that dramatic night, and we all hope the best for "Nicstin" because they are still the cutest celebrity couple that ever existed. Ok, see you next time on E! News, goodnight!"
That left me breathless. Speechless. Heartless. Broken all in all.
Now I was back to faze one, right in the beginning when I was completely broken. Actually, no, I was always broken and I never stopped, I was just distracted. Well now I wasn't so distracted anymore and once again in pure pain.


Hey guys! Haven't updated in a while, hoped you enjoyed!
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