Ch. 12- Visting Day Gone Wrong

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I mildly closed the book that has now changed my life and my my view on many things, "The Fault in our Stars".
I was only on page 74 and I already wanted to marry the creative and masterminded author.
The book definitely taught me a lot about my life right now once I was finished it. Not only did I now want my relationship with Austin to be like Hazel and Augustus's, minus the cancer and saddening deaths, but I realized something. Relationships are a very crazy thing, and you have to fight for your love.
You need to show affection, and fight for your needs, even though it may be hard to stay with each other and catch up.
I needed to show Austin I am here and also show him that our relationship is true. I need to tell him nothing can part us and it will be only us for infinity and beyond.
That's exactly what I'm doing now, reading "The Fault in our Stars" to stall my time in this unvaried and appalling plane ride, to the freezing state of Minnesota to see Austin.
The plane to my destination was exceptionally diminutive, especially since reading was my escape from the troubled world around me, which made it easier to throw away time.
While exiting the immense private jet in front of me, a unpleasant and shocking shiver came down my spin, from the unexpected cold air surrounding me.
I rubbed my petite hands together to make warm air around my freezing hands, but that obviously didn't work out as I originally planned.
After my bodyguard, Bob, was done coming down the large steps from the jet to the ground he handed me my fluffy, white coat. I grasped onto it, quickly putting it onto my frigid shoulders and body, desiring for heat.
As I finally got at least a bit warm, Bob started to lead me the car that was about to take me to my hotel.
Making it through all fans and paparazzi, I was ultimately relieved that I finally could be in a heated area. But I still could see my foggy and outlandish breath in the car, which was infrequent for me, but not for the people of Minnesota.
Making it safely and carefully to the towering hotel that I would be staying at for the next two days, I was glad I finally had arrived. I promptly made my way to the shower that was genial and comforting for my cold, fragile body at a time like this and ended up staying in there for about 45 minutes.
Turning off the water, I grabbed the fleecy and fuzzy towel that the hotel provided for me.
I ended the night by eating Dairy Queen with Bob, underneath the light of the tv that shinned all night long blasting, "Honey BooBoo".
More than 40 minutes into the show I was sound asleep, because of trying to get my rest for the big day tomorrow.
The next morning I woke up to the blinding sun fluorescing through the old, hotel windows. Right away, I got up and spent my whole day prepping for the time of my life I was going to have with Austin.
I was going to go backstage and see him after his concert, surprising him with saying I love him and also telling him to always remember that our love is true and real.
The day flew by in the blink of an eye and sooner or later, I was off to Austin's concert.
Making it to the stage in time, I got to see Austin perform a bit and I was super happy about that!
After the astonishing performance done by my fantastic boyfriend, the one and only, Austin Mahone, I headed towards the back of the stage.
Once I hit the door that read, "BACKSTAGE: DO NOT ENTER!" I firmly knocked on it and it was very soon opened by Austin's bodyguard, Joe.
He, of course, recognized me and let me in. Joe smiled at me, which was extremely unlikely, and pointed straight ahead. The place where he pointed was a large pathway, which I'm thinking lead to the dressing room or possibly the bathroom. I didn't exactly know where to find Austin, so I just decided it would be best to wander. All I found was the bathroom, hair and makeup room and the dressing room, which consisted of no Austin.
Giving up was no opinion at this moment, and my positive mind kept telling to look in every corner and crevice, so I continued to search.
That's when I found a heavy, black door that lead to outside where the tour buses were parked.
I let the humungous door slam behind me, hoping there was another way to get back in.
I didn't see anything at first but dark, until I saw one speck of light that I was hoping was Austin.
I walked towards it, but soon stopped in my tracks hiding behind one the tour buses, when I heard small, faded voices coming from the other side of the bus.
Turning my head to the other side and squatting down to the ground, I peaked around the corner.
I stopped breathing at that very second, thinking to myself that this couldn't be possible. But, oh, it was very possible and it was happening right now at this moment. Austin and Camila were both leaned up against the large bus, talking lightly and quietly together.
Not hearing their conversation for the majority of the time I was stalking them, I kind of gave up trying to find out what they were saying. When I just about to leave, half broken and have not, I heard some noises once more. But these noises were different, really different.
When my head rolled back to the view of Austin and Camila, what I saw was something I thought was fake, something that I was convinced was fake. But maybe it wasn't at all. Austin and Camila's faces were being smushed together, kissing so roughly and unpleasantly.
Little tears trickled up in my eyes, as my tiny lip started to quiver constantly.
Rubbing my shoulders to keep warm once more, I started to run away as fast as I could.
Running away made me feel good, but also made me want to scream more than I already urged to.
Soon I was waking at a walking-pace to the door, but found myself still moving in slow motion.
Tears poured down my face, as I literally felt my heart break and my soul being crushed.
My chest hurt from breathing all the cold air and all the crying I've been doing, which made me fall down to the ground in a crouch position while clutching my chest. My chest burned and I finally let out the scream I've been dying blurt out.
Boogers and tears were all over my face, but I didn't care.
All I heard was the faded voices behind me screaming at each other, until I heard loud footsteps running to me.
I quickly got out of my crouching position as fast as I possibly could to run away, with my chest still having that terrible blistering feeling.
I flipped the heavy door open with all my might, as turned my broken face behind me once more, and all I saw was Austin standing there, watching my every move. Camila wasn't in sight anymore. Typical.
More tears came down my cheeks, as I began to walk away again, but this time I was stopped so suddenly by a unexpected hand, grabbing onto me.
I tried to yank it away, but nothing could break this tight grip.


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