Chapter 22- Confliction

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Nicole's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a soft and comforting voice, humming the tune of "With You", by Chris Brown. My eyes fluttered open, as I extended my arms back, stretching. As soon as my blurred eyes adjusted to the morning sunlight which was pouring through the window, I noticed a body in front of me. Austin? Wow, it's so weird to say that. Austin is next to me, sleeping. It's been so long since we've done something like this and honestly, it's never felt so good.
My lips formed into a smile after I turned my position in the bed to the other direction, seeing that Austin was staring heavily at me. He was watching my every movement. I looked away in embarrassment of how I currently looked.
"How long have you being staring at me?" I giggled, playing with his hands and soaking up the feeling of his warm body because who knows how long we'll be spending valuable time like this together next.
"For exactly an hour and fifty five minutes-- but who's counting anyways?" He laughs. "I just can't take my eyes off you, Nicole. You're stunning and no one can tell you different."
I blushed uncontrollably, moving my body closer to his until I was wrapped up in his soothing and therapeutic arms.
After a while of hardcore snuggling, I looked up at his astonishing face and got inspired by his words and actions of affection, that he has been showing towards me in the last couple hours. I had, right then and there, made the precarious and heartfelt decision to finally ask him the question that had been burning inside of me for the past 5 months.
"A-Austin?" I stutter, noticing his full attention was on me now. His big hazel eyes shinned down at mine, listening to my every word. I continued, "Do you still love me?" At that moment, I felt one hundred blocks of metal being lifted off my shoulders, giving me instant relief, but a fair amount of regret as well.
Before he could even make a facial expression in response, a loud ding came from his phone; which was currently resting in his lap. His phone was in my perfect sight, well not perfect, but good enough for me to read the text.
From: Camilaaaa❤️
Hey babe, I was wondering if you wanna see a movie with dinah and I tomorrow. We can come back to my hotel after for dessert ;) anyways ily and see u soon!! Oh and btw yesterday was a-m-a-z-i-n-g ;;)

Austin immediately pressed the power button on his phone, shutting it off. His hand began to shake, as he looked at me with sympathy and nervousness. "Nicole, please understand this--," He stopped, then begins once again. "There is much more to this then you think, ok? Don't leave again, I can't lose you." Tears were streaming down his face. He already knew I was beyond furious.
As much as I wanted to stay with him and enjoy my time with him, I knew he still had feelings for Camila and was still seeing her. And he can't love Camila and I at the same time, can he? That's not the life I ever want to live, I don't want to be his "side women". I wanted to stay and hug him, be alright again and believe him that the text was just a big misunderstanding, but I just knew it wasn't a misconception anymore.
I ripped off the blankets from the bed that were covering my body and stood up, putting on my shoes and jacket in complete anger.
"NO. I'm not staying. Never again. I know you still love her and one thing is for sure, I'm not your next side hoe or whatever you choose to call them. I'm not falling for your tricks and these games you play anymore, I know you do this just to make me go completely insane. I'm truly tired of you and Camila and everything you've put me through," I screamed loudly, tears falling down my face, as I pounded the wall in anger.
"NICOLE PLEASE, I NEED YOU TO STAY." He yells, standing up, grabbing my hand. I instantly pushed him away, drying my tears with the back of my hand.
"Maybe I'll stay or finally accept your apologizes if you just answer me," I hesitate and mutter under my breath. "Is it me or Camila? Do you still love me?" Pure silence floods the room, making me stomach tie into a million knots. I felt weak at the moment, overpowered. Nothing could stop me from wanting to fall to pieces and never come back, but I couldn't let him win.
My sobs begin to come, as I fell to the ground in pain. I had to leave, his chances were up.
"I thought I knew you," I say loud enough for him to hear me.
"Nicole!" He screams, running up to me, but he didn't make it in time. I bolted out the door in pure melancholy, limping through the hallway.
I hear Austin screaming my name in the faint background, but I kept walking, never turning back. Everything hit me like a hurricane and somehow, it was hard to even breath anymore. Did I even want to breath any longer?

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