Ch. 10- Support

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I know things aren't always meant to be, and I know that things aren't always perfect. I also know that some things are better left unsaid. But I don't know or understand how the person you love can keep secrets from you and can make you jealous over nothing. Well, I at least hope that this was nothing and all a hoax, but something in my gut told me that I was incorrect.
But even if he intentionally kiss Camila to hurt me, I admit I'll be broken to the point where I don't talk or eat, but no matter what our love will never be broken or lose its power.
Frightening as it is to think about, I love Austin more than life itself. That sounds absolutely crazy and quite rambunctious, but I know that it's more than true. I feel it in my heart and soul that this love is something special and will change me more and more each day.
Austin makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, but once this magazine came along, I feel like I'm one of many girls in the world. Which, technically speaking, is true but you get the point on how amazing he makes me feel when we are together and even when we aren't.
When he is around, my heart is a time-bomb and can blow at any second from his goofy personality, but yet still charming actions.
I thought I was the only who loved him. But more importantly, I thought I was the only one he loved. Camila and him might love each other.. Oh gosh.
I guess I'm wrong on that one. Maybe he didn't care and maybe this was a signal that our relationship should have a wake up call and just die down a bit.
This could mean so many things in my mind, but then again, it could mean nothing to him at all.
I just needed to settle down my quirky and wild mind, that thirsts for drama and worries in my life. I have to take a large chill pill and just calm myself.
Austin is a great person and would tell me if it was over and just in general, if our relationship didn't have sparks anymore. I honestly think we do have sparks, that I cant even explain the feeling of them because they are so indescribable, but sometimes the feelings people have aren't always mutual. That's the thing about life, you may love someone to your days are done, but there is a HUMUNGOUS chance that they never will nor never did love you back for second in your lifetime. Life breaks you, but you have to get right back up and find happiness. Search and fight for your happiness, that's the key to life.
I spent my whole day with Frankie and Ariana, ranting about our favorite songs and movies and basically talking stupid to get my wandering mind off of Austin.
It was doing pretty well, until Frankie was channel-surfing and end up on E! news.
The loud and obnoxious voice boomed from the tv saying, "Alright, have you heard about it yet? I bet you have, if you don't live under a rock, then you probably know about the hidden drama between starlet Nicole Gomez and Austin Mahone. Once a perfect couple, but now possibly tore apart? Maybe the feeling wasn't mutual or maybe someone named Camila butted her head into things. We don't know for sure, but we do know that Naustin is no longer a thing. What do you-" The tv was muted seconds later by Ariana, who stole the remote from Frankie.
"You're not watching that." Ariana says, putting her hand on her hip, meaning she needs to get what she wants or else bad things will happen.
"No, Ariana! Let me watch it, I need to know what people are thinking about my personal issues that they have no business being in!" I say tearing up, not meaning it.
"No. You can't watch that. They are all just going to bring you down, you gotta live your life and not believe those stinking reporters!" She screamed at me, soon bending down to my level on the floor, looking into my eyes with a hopeful expression on her flawless face.
My tears turns into the Niagara Falls as I spoke the words that soon made Ariana cry with me, "I love him more than words can explain, but he keeps leaving me all alone in the dark."
Ariana soon broke down with me because she also had experience with the same type of relationship issue. Her and her former boyfriend, Jai Brooks, have an on and off relationship, but will still love each other unconditionally even though they are not together and fight most the the time.
Frankie, who was formally trying to not interfere with my emotional breakdown that just happened a few seconds ago, soon brought us all into a hug.
Even though Austin's hazel-brown eyes shine brighter than the rest, I'll always have my friends to be with me till the end.
Still the thoughts that were once in my head earlier that day, came back into my mind. He would never hook up with Camila if we still were together. This couldn't be real, no, this could never be possible. I know he wouldn't do that. He would never hurt me like that.

Hey hey hey! Ilysm, thanks for reading!
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Love you❤❤
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