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As I joked around with Luz and Luis, holding Francisco, I saw Lin come out of his bedroom. He had a bit of a worried look on his face, but once he stepped out, he put on a smile. Vanessa was pouring some wine and he walked over, put his hand on her back and leaned in to whisper something in her ear. She looked at him, surprised. No, a more accurate word would be floored. Being the nosy person I was, I wanted to know what was going on.

My grandparents visited with everyone for ten or so more minutes before kissing and hugging everyone goodbye. Lin and Vanessa decided they weren't in the mood to cook, so we ordered take out from our favorite Mexican restaurant. Vanessa started to play with the boys as Lin hung back in the kitchen, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed. He seemed deep in thought.

"Nora? I need to talk to you in private," he told me.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked him, raking my brain for anything I'd done wrong lately.

"No," he said. "I just need to talk to you."

I made my way back towards my bedroom and he followed behind me, closing the door. We both sat on my bed. He looked uncomfortable.

"Lin, what's going on?" I asked, getting a bit worried.

"That call was from your mom," he informed me, taking my hand. "She called to let me know they're releasing her tomorrow morning."

I was shocked. All along, people had been telling me she'd probably be in jail for years. "What? How?"

"They're dropping the charges on a technicality," he told me. "And they didn't have enough evidence."

"Wow..." I said, my shock slowly turning into elation. My mom was getting out! I was going to get to be with her. "This is surprising."

"Yes it is," he agreed with me. "It's way out of left field. How are you feeling?"

"Ummm...excited I guess?" I said, but I had so many questions. "Do I get to go meet her when she gets out? Do I go home with her?"

"Well, she's been evicted from her rental house," he told me. "So she's staying with a neighbor for a few days while she looks for a job. And you have school tomorrow."

"But Lin, my mom is getting out of jail," I reasoned with him.

"She's going to have a lot to do tomorrow, and we don't know when exactly it's going to happen. I think it's best you have a regular school day and then see her after school."

I wasn't sure how they would expect me to pay attention at school, but I decided not to argue.

"So, am I going with her after school?" I asked hopefully.

"We're all going to go out to dinner," he told me. "You, me and your mom."

That would be weird, I decided. My birth parents together for the first time since I was conceived. "And then do I go home with her?"

"She doesn't have a home right now, sweetie," he reminded me. "Her friend is being very generous letting her stay, so I don't think they need an extra person on top of that. You'd probably have to sleep on the floor."

"Couldn't she stay with us?"

I could tell that made Lin uncomfortable, but it was my mother. "Nora, I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I think it would make everyone uncomfortable," he told me. "You'll get to hang out with her, I promise."

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