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I kept a very close eye on Nora over the next few days.  When I wasn't home when she arrived after school, I texted her to make sure she was at our place.  Now it was Friday and Nora was itching to get back to her mother.  I hated that I didn't trust Laura with our daughter.  It worried me any time Nora was with her.

Friday after school, Nora texted me that she was taking the subway to her mother's.  I texted back that it was fine and did she need me to bring her any clothes or other items.  She responded that she'd like a couple changes of clothes and her toothbrush.  I went into her room and picked out a couple things I'd seen her wear recently and tossed them in a bag.  I got on the subway and headed over to Queens.

Laura had texted me her friend's address, so I used my Google Maps to find the place.  The neighborhood was shady as hell, and I really didn't like the idea of my daughter staying there.  I knocked on the screen door, hearing loud music coming from within.  When no one answered I found the doorbell and rang it several times.

Nora came to the door and stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks, Lin," she told, taking the bag from me, then she turned to go back inside.

"Woah, woah, woah," I stopped her.  "I need to speak to your mother."

"Uh..." she looked concerned.  "I'll see if she's busy.  Stay here."

Nora obviously didn't want me coming inside, which worried me.  I waited patiently on the front porch and Laura came out a couple minutes later.  She smelled heavily of perfume, like she'd just bathed herself in it.

"Yes?" She asked me, stepping outside.

"Just wanted to check in regarding our daughter," I told her.  "Are you planning on having her for the whole weekend?"

"If that's okay with you," she said, then took a sip from the can of Coke she had in her hand.

It wasn't exactly okay, but there wasn't much I could do about it.  I needed to let Nora be with her mother, and this was the easiest arrangement for now.

"That's fine," I told her.  "Send her home Sunday afternoon. She has homework I'm sure."

"Alright.  Bye," she told me, reaching for the door.

"Could you send Nora back out?"

She disappeared inside and Nora came out a few moments later.  Lin caught a whiff of cigarette smoke.  "Do you have everything you need?" I asked her, and she nodded.  "Good.  Give me a hug."

Nora stepped forward and hugged me quickly then disappeared inside.  I stood on the porch for several long moments, not wanting to leave.  I really wanted to take Nora back with me.  This was no place for her.  I heard several adult voices coming from within.  I doubted any of them would be very good influences.  Sighing, I started walking back towards the subway.


All weekend, I couldn't take my mind off Nora.  I texted her multiple times a day to make sure she was doing okay.  She responded diligently, knowing I was worried and wouldn't hesitate to come over if I thought she was in any danger.  Finally, Sunday afternoon came around and Nora texted that she was on her way back on the subway.

Fifteen minutes later, she walked through the door with her bag, looking tired.  I walked over and gave her a hug, and she reeked of cigarette smoke.  "Did you have a nice weekend?"

"Yeah, it was fun," she said.  "Mom found a place a couple blocks over.  She puts down a deposit Monday."

"Great," I commented.  Laura had apparently found work as a cashier at a drug store, so she was able to be approved for a lease.

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