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Finally, it was time for the custody hearing. I was going to be questioned since I was of a certain age, so Vanessa had taken me out to buy something nice. I couldn't stand wearing dresses and skirts, but finally settled on one that wasn't completely awful. That morning, I pulled on my dressy clothes and stepped into a pair of black flats. I combed my hair and straightened in instead of just pulling it up in its normal ponytail.

"You ready?" Lin asked me as I walked out to the kitchen. I nodded silently and grabbed a breakfast bar from the pantry. The three of us took the subway down to the courthouse, where we proceeded to wait for what seemed like hours in the waiting area. I was bored to tears. Finally, they called my name.

"That's us," Vanessa said, supportively patting my leg. We filed into the courtroom and Lin and Vanessa shook hands with their lawyer. On the other side of the room, there was a suited man at the table alone. Where was my mother?

There was a few minutes of conversation when the bailiff announced the judge's entry. Everyone had to stand up. It was then that my mother hurried into the courtroom, wearing her best outfit, which wasn't saying much. She had on black pants and a nice-ish top.

"You may be seated," the judge said. I sat on the benches behind Lin and Vanessa. Did that make people think I was on their side? Couldn't I sit in the middle?

"We're here today to discuss the custody agreement for the minor child Nora Elizabeth Thomas. Her biological parents, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Laura Nicole Thomas have both filed petitions for custody. Ms. Thomas would like 50/50 custody and Mr. Miranda would like full time custody.

I sat nervously as the judge called dad's lawyer to make some statements. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie.

"Your honor, the minor's father, Mr. Miranda, feels it would be in the child's best interest to live full-time with him and his wife. While her mother was in jail for drug possession, Nora went to live with her father for the first time. While she's been there, Nora has improved her grades greatly at school and has received far fewer discipline referrals.

"In addition, Mr. Miranda is concerned about the home environment Ms. Thomas provides. They live in low-income housing in a dangerous neighborhood. Ms. Thomas has been arrested for drug possession and was cited for child neglect. In addition, Nora came back to the Mirandas after a weekend at her mother, where they discovered Nora had been struck multiple times on the buttocks with a belt by an acquaintance of Ms. Thomas. They are concerned for her safety. Thank you."

"Thank you, Mr. Collier," the judge said, glancing down at his notes. "Mr. Phillips, your statement from Ms. Thomas."

Mom's lawyer was much younger and looked really nervous. I looked over at my mom and I could see she'd taken the time to make herself up this morning. She had on eye shadow and lipstick. For some reason, that made me sad.

"Your honor, Ms. Thomas has been the sole provider of child care for Nora since her birth in 2005. Mr. Miranda has not paid any child support over the years and has proceeded to keep Nora at his residence for much more than 50% of the time. He's kept his daughter's visits with her mother to a minimum. Ms. Thomas is gainfully employed with two jobs and rents a house in Queens. While she can't afford a residence like Mr. Miranda's, it is clean and safe and Nora is well provided for. Thank you, your honor."

My dad's lawyer rose and asked permission to speak.

"We would like to add that Mr. Miranda did not pay child support or see his child for the first 13 years of her life because he didn't know of her existence," he clarified. "He only found out he had a daughter when Ms. Thomas was arrested for drug charges and social services located him."

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