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My family birthday party was winding down.  They had all spoiled me with presents.  I'd never gotten this much before.  But, I knew they weren't trying to buy my affection.  This wasn't the type of family who gave material things in replace of showing real love.  I knew they all loved me, and they were generous with the gifts.

I had so much fun with my cousins.  I'd never had cousins before.  They were like built-in best friends.  Alejandro was into skateboarding like I was, so we talked a lot about it.  He admired my new skateboard and we made some plans to go to the park together.  They lived a little ways away in Montclair, but they were in the city all the time.  Our grandparents were a huge part of all our lives.

Dad's sister and her husband began to round up their kids.  We were all having such a good time, but they had a drive back to Montclair.  I gave them all hugs and then they headed out.  Abuelo and Abuela hung out a little while longer.  Even though I wasn't supposed to use the skateboard in the house, they wanted to see a couple tricks.  I showed them an ollie and a couple other things.  Abuelo asked if he could come watch me at the park sometime and I told him yes.

The boys had conked out on the floor or the couch.  It was way past their bedtimes.  Dad had the job of carrying them back to their beds.  He started with Sebastian as I started to say bye to my grandparents.

"My fourteen-year-old," Abuela smiled, putting her hands on either side of my face.  I grinned as she planted a kiss on my forehead and then pulled me in for a hug.  "I'm so glad you're around."

"Me too," I said softly, enjoying the hug. I was already taller than her, but I still felt like a little kid in her arms.

Abuelo was next.  He brought me into a bear hug and groaned.  "Alright, troublemaker.  I'll see you soon.  Don't hop on any international flights, okay?"

I grinned and felt my face flush a little bit.  It had become a bit of a joke between us.  It seemed a bit ridiculous now, that I had been so desperate as to try to hop on a plane by myself.

Dad had finished putting the boys to bed and came out to say goodbye to his parents.  There were more hugs all around until they left, and it was just the three of us.  We sat down in the living room, tired but happy from a full day of celebrations.

"Did you have a nice birthday?" Vanessa asked as she stretched her arms over her head.

"Yeah," I said, smiling.

"What was your favorite part?"

"Probably seeing dad get way too into laser tag," I said.  It had been hilarious.  Dad really was just a big kid.

"Yeah, that was a little frightening, actually," she teased, turning to her husband.  "Do you have some deep-buried aspirations of battle?"

"I just had to annihilate those kids," Dad said.  "It had to be done."

We all laughed as we talked about some of the funny things that had happened at the arcade, many of them involving dad.  They asked a bit about some of my friends.  I had been a little nervous they wouldn't like them.  Some of them were oddballs that didn't fit in with the popular crowd, like me, but they weren't judgmental at all.  They seemed to love all my friends.

"And did you make a good wish when you blew out the candles?" Dad asked me.

"Yep," I said, smiling to myself.  Of course, I couldn't tell them what it was because then it might not come true.  But, it in a way, it already had.

We sat there silently for a few moments, all of us fighting sleep, before Vanessa finally made the declaration.

"Alright.  Time for bed," she announced as she pushed herself up.  She walked to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water and then Dad and I peeled ourselves up as well.

"Harry Potter?" Dad asked.  I nodded eagerly, worried that we might have to skip it since it was so late.  He told me he'd go brush his teeth and then he'd be in.  I changed into my pajamas and climbed under the covers.  Dad came in a few minutes later and picked up the book off my bedside table.

I cuddled into his side as he opened to the bookmarked page and he began to read in his soft, gentle voice.  I rested my head against his side and my eyes followed along the words on the page.  In that moment, I felt completely safe and loved.  I was safe under my covers.  Somehow, my dad's smell made me feel safe and calm as well.  I always knew I was safe around him.

As he reached the end of the chapter, he marked the page and put the book on my bedside table.  He didn't rush to leave, just slouched down a little more so we could cuddle for a while.  His fingers played with my hair as I saw his chest move up and down slowly as he breathed.

"Dad?"  I finally said.

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

I grinned a little, remembering how I used to hate him calling me sweetheart.  Now I loved it.

"Do you want to know what I wished for?"

"Sure," he said as his hand rubbed my back.

"I wished I could always be this happy," I told him.  He squeezed me a little tighter and planted a kiss on my head.

"I'm glad you're happy, kid," he told me softly.  "I'm happy too."

The only thing that was wrong was my mother's problems.  If only she could get herself figured out, I think I would have the perfect life.

"Dad?" I said again.

"Mmmhmmm?" he answered tiredly.

"Do you think my mom will ever be healthy?" I asked, knowing that was a loaded question.  He sighed out a little bit.

"It's hard to know, Nora," he told me honestly.  I liked that he didn't treat me like a little kid.  He was up front with me.  "But right now, she's on the right path.  She's been sober for over a month.  That's the longest she's been."

"I wish I could just make her stop," I confessed.

"I know," he whispered.  "We all do.  But it's up to her.  She's a strong woman."

"She is?"

"Of course," he told me.  "She's been a single mother for fourteen years now.  Anyone who puts up with you for that long deserves an award."

I gave him a playful jab in the side and he laughed.  Finally, he began to sit up slowly, so I could move onto my pillow.  He stood up as I burrowed a little deeper, then he pulled up the covers.  I loved getting tucked in.  Dad leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

"Good night, Nora," he whispered.  "I love you."

"I love you too, Dad," I whispered back, my eyes already closed.  I heard him linger at the door before he finally closed it.  I took a deep breath in, then let it out.  Whoever would have thought at this time last year that now I would be tucked in my bed in Washington Heights, two little brothers asleep nearby, with a stepmother and father who loved me.  That I would be doing well in school.  That I thought twice before punching someone.  That I would be so loved.

May I always be this happy.


A/N: Thanks for reading!! I just posted the first two chapters of my next fic, You Outshine the Morning Sun. It's Lippa! I'll be starting this sequel very soon!

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