01 - The New Kid

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Warnings: There will be lots of cursing in the part, as it follows Katsuki Bakugou.

Enjoy and as always, if you would like to support me in making writing a full career for myself, please consider donating to my kofi (ko-fi.com/takiewrites) or buying from my etsy (etsy.com/shop/honeicraftsco)!!
The sun rose slowly, turning the colors of the sky from dark cool colors to blended warm blues, pinks and oranges. Inside a dim brick apartment, chirps of an alarm echoed inside of a teen's dark, cluttered bedroom.

Katsuki Bakugou slowly groaned awake, slamming his fist into his alarm clock. He stretched awake and stumbled to his feet, flipping the lights on. He grumbled quietly as he got dressed in his school's uniform, which he always thought was complete bullshit.

Once he was dressed, he headed into the kitchen of his small family's decently sized apartment. He looked around at his surroundings. He knew this apartment well. Of course he did, he had lived there his whole life. He was always jealous of people who had moved around; seen the world. He would never admit it though.

He sat down at a table in the kitchen, looking to his mother as she slammed a plate of breakfast in front of him.
"Eat, brat." She growled, ruffling his hair. He scowled and let out a silent "Tch". It was too early to argue and he had stayed up too late last night to bother caring. He stuffed his face with food and mumbled a goodbye as he grabbed his bag, trying to avoid provoking his mother into another argument.

Bakugou walked silently to school, amidst the crowd of fellow students. They all spoke excitedly about something that he didn't care about. He glanced up at the sky. It was beginning to form into a light pasty blue, clouds of white scattered across the sky. There were still splatters of pink and orange, the sun still waking up from it's slumber. Bakugou let out a small yawn as he continued walking to school.

Once he made it to his class, he slumped into his desk, setting his feet lazily on his desk and closing his eyes. He'd get a little bit of shuteye before class. That was, until a certain red head practically bounced over to him.

"Hey bakubro!" The teen yelled, abruptly snapping Bakugou out of his peaceful slumber. He growled lowly and lifted his head to glare at the grinning spiky haired, red head before him. "What." Bakugou spat out at Kirishima.

"What woke you up on the wrong side of the bed, eh?" Bakugou growled and rolled his eyes. "It's early. I wanted to fucking sleep." Kirishima opened his mouth to retort but was shushed as their teacher walked in. "Everyone in your seats please," Aizawa-sensei started as students — including Kirishima — scattered to their assigned seats. "Bakugou, please get your feet off the desk." Bakugou grunted in response but obliged, sitting in his desk correctly. He set his arms on his desk and set his head to rest in the palm of his hand, holding his face up.

"Now, settle down." The class's soft whispers slowly dimmed to a stop. "We have a new student with us today." Bakugou hadn't noticed until now but there was a nervous boy, standing awkwardly and looking into the sea of judgmental teenagers. Bakugou was slightly drawn to him in a way. He couldn't say why or how but he was.

The teen's eyes sparkled an emerald green with flecks of jade in the swirls. He had dark, short curly hair that set nicely on his freckled face. The tips of his hair were died a dark green, Bakugou guessed. The boys cheeks were tinted a light pink, obviously embarrassed to be in front of the entire class. He waved awkwardly at the class and smiled.

"Hi.. my n-name is Izuku Midoriya.." he stuttered out. He seemed shy and overly embarrassed. Bakugou couldn't really sympathize; he had always been loud and blunt with what he wanted to say.
"Midoriya, you can sit behind Bakugou. He's right there." Aizawa pointed to Bakugou and Midoriya nodded, quickly sitting behind him. Bakugou glared as he did. There was something about him, he couldn't put his finger on it.

Once class was over with, Bakugou stood and stretched. It was lunch time and he had promised the irritable red head that he would sit with him today. He was going to leave when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around, fists clenched menacingly. "What the fu—?!" He became a little more relaxed as he saw two emeralds staring back. He cleared his throat, looking at Midoriya squirm awkwardly, not knowing how to put his thoughts into words.

"What do you want?" Bakugou spat out at the shorter boy. He winced at the harshness of the words. "Um.. m-my name is-"

"Izuku. I know, I remember." Bakugou looked across the room at Kirishima who looked expectantly to him. He waved his hand, telling Kirishima with his eyes to go ahead. Midoriya watched Bakugou awkwardly. "W-Well um.. what's y-your name-?"

Bakugou scoffed. "Tch. What do you care?"
Midoriya gulped audibly. "W-Well I wanted to see if w-we could be friends.. cause we sit near each other.. a-and I don't know anyone a-and—" Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the anxious teen. "Stop rambling." Midoriya gulped and nodded shyly, his emerald eyes swirling with many emotions that Bakugou couldn't decipher.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou. But we're not going to be fucking friends." His harsh words hung in the air like precipitation on a humid summer day. He sighed at the sad look in the shorter boy's eyes. Bakugou was already developing a soft spot for the new kid. He glanced around and saw Uraraka and Iida talking. They were lame enough for this anxious boy. Bakugou pointed to them coolly, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Go talk to them. They're nice enough." He mumbled. Midoriya gazed in the direction of Bakugou's pointing finger. He smiled brightly. "Oh thank you so much katsu—"

"Don't fucking thank me. I'm not being nice. I just don't want to be dragged down by you." Bakugou scowled and walked away, leaving Midoriya confused and kind of hurt. Despite that, he had a look of determination on his freckled face.

As Bakugou walked away, he touched a spot on his chest where he assumed his heart was. It was racing like crazy. Why? Bakugou questioned himself. It's not like he cared about that new kid. Not like he had feelings, right? Right. Katsuki Bakugou was a cold hearted jerk. He couldn't have feelings this easily.

Could he?

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