09 - Whatever It Takes

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Warning: homophobia, it's not much at all- a character preaches about homosexuality being a sin but if you're sensitive to it, it will have a bold '~' above and below the paragraph so you can skip, I'll explain what happened above the second '~' for anyone that does.
Enjoy this semi short chapter, I wanted to get out faster than last time to make up for the long wait on the last chapter.

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They were official.

Izuku tried not to giggle at the thought. Tried and failed. He was just so darn happy.

"What're you giggling about?" Katsuki grumbled underneath him. They were having another sleepover. There were three significant things that had changed in this sleepover though. One, They were a thing. That was a huge difference to Izuku (and Katsuki though he acted differently).

Two, they were at Izuku's house. It was the first time Katsuki had ever stepped foot in his house, oddly enough. When the blonde had entered the house it just felt bland. It didn't feel homey at all, as if the family was waiting to move. That was until he found Izuku's room. It was the most decorated room in the house, plastered with posters of the superhero, All Might. He had poked fun but the room smelt and felt like home.

Three, they were cuddling. Cuddling! Izuku, himself, was cuddling Katsuki Bakugou! He hadn't imagined the blonde was the cuddling type but he absolutely was. Katsuki took any and every opportunity to hold onto Izuku in some way.

"What? Can't I be happy cuddling.." Izuku started and bit his lower lip gently, pausing as his heartbeat picked up in its pace. "With m-my boyfriend?.." He felt his cheeks burn with the last word, still in the 'honeymoon' phase of the relationship. He felt satisfaction seeing a sweet blush cover the blonde's face. It was such a rare sight.

Katsuki scoffed and turned his head away, trying to hide it. "Tsk. W-Whatever.. damn n-nerd." Izuku couldn't help but fall into another fit of giggles, nuzzling his face into his boyfriend's chest.


Dinner at the Midoriya household was awkward. Mostly because Izuku's father was there, partially because he didn't really seem to like Katsuki, and of course, finally because he was homophobic. Izuku hadn't even known that he was, with him, you know, never being home.

But when he saw the two boys holding hands — holding hands— he had lost it. He had asked what they were to each other after preaching about how homosexuality was a sin.

"W-We're just friends! Don't worry about it d-dad.." Izuku had said, letting go of his boyfriend's hand and dropping in his posture slightly.

"What the fuck," Katsuki had said in the comfort of the bedroom covered in All Might after the encounter with the Midoriya father. "Why didn't you tell me your dad was so fucking homophobic." Izuku rubbed his neck, looking down sadly. "I didn't even know. I barely know him anymore.."

"Is your mom..?" Katsuki sat beside his boyfriend who was sitting on his oddly plain bed. "N-No!" Izuku's head and hands lifted up quickly in defense of his sweet mother. "No! She's completely accepting." His eyes met crimson ones but tentatively looked away, blushing. "S-She's been encouraging me to go out with you.. before I even realized I liked you..." Katsuki chuckled and kissed Izuku's cheek.

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