06 - Stuck Together

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Holy shit???? 1K views ?? Thank you guys so much oh my god I never imagined this book would do so well so fast!
Anyway enjoy this chapter :)

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Once Izuku realized how he was holding hands so intimately with Katsuki, he flushed crimson. He kept his mouth shut though, he liked the feel of the blonde's hand in his. They were big, calloused and rough. He felt safe, holding onto the tough teen. Maybe Katsuki didn't mind either because Izuku swore he felt a squeeze from the teen's rough hand.

Izuku had to speed-walk to try and keep up with the blonde's drawn out steps. Once the two got close to the carnival, Katsuki pulled his hand away and shoved it in his pants pocket. Izuku on the other hand, felt a prick of disappointment. He wished he could've held onto his hand for much longer.

"Where'd Four-Eyes and Round-Face say they'd meet us?" Izuku snorted at the tsundere's nicknames for their classmates. His green hair bounced as he tilted his head and thought back to their conversation at lunch.

We'll meet you near the entrance, love birds! Uraraka had said, eliciting a flustered Izuku to try and explain they were absolutely not dating.

"Near the entrance.." Izuku glanced around quickly, looking for his friends. He finally just barely spotted a bobbing brunette head and the top half of Iida's head in the slightly crowded area. "There they are!" He flailed his arm, grinning as he waved to his friends. It resulted in Iida being dragged behind a speeding Uraraka.

Izuku turned to Katsuki only to be met with his crimson gaze. He flushed and quickly looked away. Was he staring? Izuku asked himself, oblivious to the fact that Katsuki's ears had gone red and he had gazed away just as fast (if not faster).

"Hey you two!" Uraraka beamed at them, grinning innocently. Izuku smiled excitedly and rubbed his neck. "Ready for a day full of fun?!" Green curls fell into his left eye as he nodded fervently, Katsuki's eyes watching him all while the three spoke excitedly.


Uraraka was right, they day was filled with fun rides and excitement with only two hours of being there. Katsuki and Iida had gone on a fast paced ride that Izuku was much to squeamish for. Uraraka offered to stay with the green boy while Iida reluctantly rode with Katsuki. It was odd to Izuku because usually Uraraka was the one for fast rides and Iida was more of the type for slow ones like a Ferris Wheel. It was almost said it was planned...

Oh no.
Just as the realization hit Izuku, Uraraka was smiling innocently as she turned to this friend. His eyes were wide with fear and curiosity. What was she up to?

"So~ You and Explodo huh?" Izuku stood quickly from a ledge they sat on. "Oh no no no no no we are not-" Uraraka smirked.

"Not what? I'm talking about friendship." The green boy huffed, glaring at her. "Sure you are." He knew her too well to ever be convinced that she wasn't trying to get him to confess something. That he never would! Because it didn't exist! Even though he had dreamt of..

He groaned inwardly at his brain. It just always jumped around to all the thoughts he didn't want to be thinking of — at all. "Seriously though, do you like him?" Izuku choked on his saliva and sputtered.


Uraraka gasped. "You do like him!" Izuku blushed furiously. Why was he acting like this? It wasn't like he liked his close friend like that! Unless...

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