02 - Don't Let Go

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Midoriya sat with Uraraka and Iida during lunch that day. He made small conversation and could feel himself opening up to them quickly. They talked about where he lived before.

"W-Well.." he pondered for a moment, thinking of all the places he had been to. "I've lived in.. Italy, Germany, Britain, I lived in America for a couple months.. and I moved around a bunch here in Japan." They stared at Midoriya in shock. He had said it so coolly, as if describing what he had for breakfast this morning.

He honestly hated moving around. Don't get him wrong, he loved the scenery. He loved the culture. But he hated the moving. He hated always being the new kid, always being behind, never having any friends. It's not like he could've done anything about it though. His father was a real estate agent, helping families get settled in their forever-home while they didn't stay in a house for longer than a year. This unfortunately meant Midoriya never got to see his father and was forced to move around often, leaving the anxious teen friendless.

As their conversations continued on Midoriya hadn't noticed, but subconsciously he had continued glancing at Bakugou's turned back. He had a new determination because of the blonde. Because of his unspoken hatred; saying they couldn't be friends. Whenever Midoriya was told he couldn't do something, he would; no matter what it was.

Once in Italy, when he was about eight years old, a student in his class dared him to climb a tree. He refused, insisting it was too dangerous. As soon as he did though, the fellow student started calling him a chicken and telling him he couldn't do it. Without a second of thought he climbed up the tree, cheering once he did. Cheering over the fact that he could do it. Although he proceeded to get stuck in the tree, crying until someone rescued him late that afternoon. When Midoriya recalled the memory he shook it away, blushing subtly with embarrassment.

After the two teens encounter Midoriya had been hurt, yes, but he had seen slightly through Bakugou's tough exterior. He had seen the glance of worry behind his scowl. Oddly enough, Midoriya had been filled with determination when he saw that look; anger mixed with compassion.

He would befriend him.

Soon, lunch was over and afternoon classes had begun. Ms. Midnight was teaching the class about math and science. Midoriya glanced up from his notes he had been jotting down and observed the blonde spikes in front of him. He wondered how he could get Bakugou to open up. It would take a lot of time and effort. But he could do it. He had to.

Eventually, he stopped daydreaming in Bakugou's ash blonde spikes and continued taking notes diligently. Before he knew it the lesson was over and it was the end of the day. Midoriya glanced out the window he was sat beside. The sky was a beautiful mix of pinks, oranges, and blues; showing the change of morning to late afternoon. Petals swirled in the wind and Midoriya watched them intently. He loved the weather, the seasons. They were the same everywhere: Summer, fall, winter, and spring. But they were all so different. It fascinated him.

Eventually Midoriya snapped out of his daydream and collected his things, a few people still lingering in the classroom. He glanced around the room looking for—

He saw him, staring right at Midoriya. Those crimson red eyes glaring intently but Midoriya could see right through them. They were watching curiously, showing many emotions behind the tough scowl planted on his lips.
Midoriya waved at Bakugou, smiling a small shy smile. Had he been staring? Midoriya wondered. He didn't care all too much though. This meant he had the teen's interest to some extent and that was exactly what he wanted — what he needed.

Midoriya's eyes lingered on the blonde teen until slowly packing up his stuff quietly. Uraraka and Iida had already left without him. They had asked to walk with him but they lived on opposite sides of the town so there was no point. He had other plans anyway...

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