04 - Feelings are Confusing

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I decided to start calling Izuku and Katsuki by their first names, it felt right. I might edit the other chapters and do this as well I'm not sure. Anyway enjoy!

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A few months had passed since the first night Izuku had stayed at Katsuki's house. Ever since that day, the two walked home together — as promised. Katsuki walked Izuku to his home — which they had found out wasn't all that far away, Izuku had just gotten that lost in his thoughts that day — and then walked home alone. Every time, Izuku felt horrible about it and wanted to walk back with him but he hushed his thoughts with logic: no matter what, unless they lived together or extremely close, one boy would always have to walk home alone. It was better if it was Katsuki, not that Izuku preferred him getting hurt though, the intimidating teen could protect himself. Not like anyone would dare mess with the Katsuki Bakugou either way. It was like signing off on your death wish. Although, Izuku had done the same thing with just wanting to befriend the blonde.

It was the longest Izuku had stayed in one place; yet the time passed quickly, Izuku filled with memories of one explosive blonde — and of course Uraraka and Iida, his now two best friends. Izuku often wondered why his dad had them stay for so long. Maybe there were lots of houses to sell in the town? Maybe they would finally settle down and stay! He knew he was just thinking hopefully, avoiding the inevitable sad truth.

Over the months, Katsuki had softened to Izuku. He had gotten a soft spot for the short, freckled boy; although he refused every time Izuku asked him to sit with him and his dorky friends during lunch — if he pouted though, that was a different story. All he wanted was for him to be happy, which he continuously ignored tugs on the strings of his heart when he actually saw the nerd smile. It made Katsuki's ears burn bright red just thinking about his face when he did — which wasn't a rare sight. Izuku was like a child, always radiating joy.

Short like one too, Katsuki thought, chuckling to himself. He even teased the defenseless boy in his head. He was heading to school alone; as he usually did because Izuku often took the train to school or got there way too early, before Katsuki's alarm even begun to screech.

Eventually Katsuki reached the high school he attended, Yuuei. He was happy it was finally Friday. He had planned a sleepover with Izuku for the weekend because a carnival was visiting the small town. He couldn't show that though; he had to seem as grumpy as ever. He shoved the door to 1-A open with a loud thud, playing his rude persona. The class's eyes were immediately on him but after a moment all looked away, continuing with whatever they were doing.

Except for one pair of beautiful green eyes.
Izuku smiled warmly at his friend, making his heart melt, racing as it went gooey — like clay in a toddler's fingers. Katsuki smiled faintly and waved a hand at the freckle covered boy.

The smile faded away and morphed into a scowl as Kirishima got his attention, the intimidating teen turning to the red head. He was one persistent son-of-a-bitch. Daily he pestered Katsuki to become his friend, with no luck. Katsuki only needed one guy-friend in his eyes.

Izuku watched Katsuki from far away, he was sat with Uraraka and Iida as they talked about something.
"I'll be right back," He muttered, barely audible but the two still heard him clearly. Iida nodded and Uraraka kept talking on about something that Izuku didn't hear as he walked over to Katsuki.

Katsuki didn't notice him at first, begrudgingly having a one sided conversation with Kirishima — Katsuki occasionally grunted as a response while Kirishima did all the talking. It was the best he could get, and the red head was fine with that.

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