03 - Sleepovers

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Once the two teens got to Bakugou's house, Bakugou ripped his hand away from Midoriya's. This earned a small frown on the shorter's face but he hid it, pulling out his phone. He guessed that Bakugou didn't want his parents to see him holding hands with another boy. They were too old for that. Midoriya sent a quick text to his mom to let her know where he was: hey mom,, im staying at a friends house for the night, we live pretty far from the school i found out

His mom texted back fairly quick: ok izu! Try and take the tram next time I can give u money for it
Midoriya clicked his phone off and slipped it into his pocket silently, not responding to his mother — he could talk to her in person tomorrow. He glanced up to see Bakugou staring at him. He quickly looked away from the shy teen. "Let's go inside." Midoriya nodded silently and followed the tall teen closely as he entered the house loudly.

"I'm home!" He shouted, making Midoriya wince. He silently put more space between them in case the other was loud again. Bakugou tensed up slightly but Midoriya didn't think much of it. He scoffed quietly. "C'mon, you can sleep in my room."

Midoriya's heart skipped a beat. Why did his body betray him so easily? He gulped silently and muttered, "y-yeah, okay Katsuki.." He silently followed Bakugou down the hall in his cozy home. He dragged his hands calmly on the beige walls, observing the home. It was an okay sized apartment building, it was one level — rooms scattered around the flat. It was spacious but it still had a slightly cramped feel because of the furniture. It felt nice. Midoriya took in a deep breath through his nose, smelling the house. It smelt relatively close to what Bakugou smelt like — not that he'd smelled him on purpose or anything — melting chocolate, a sweet smell mixed with charcoal. He loved that houses had their own unique smell, every house — even if unused or unsold — had its own personality because of it.

It was another thing that fascinated him.
In the hall, there were a few doors. The hall was sort of narrow, feeling a little claustrophobic — but not too much, just a little. Midoriya assumed one of the doors led to a bathroom while the other two led to bedrooms. The doors were a light tan-brown color. The knobs were a goldish-bronze color. They shined in the center of the emeralds Midoriya had for eyes. Bakugou turned to a door on the right. He silently turned the gold knob and pushed it open, motioning for Midoriya to go ahead of him. The observing teen nodded as a thanks and stepped in the room.

This room smelt much more like Bakugou. It was semi-clean. The room felt dark and even when the light flickered on, the room was still dim. The room was mostly blacks and greys, although the walls were a dark green. There was a bed with dark blue sheets, a wooden dresser, and a small walk-in closet. There were two windows but they were covered by light wooden blinds, in result making the room so dim — even though it was night. Clothes were scattered here and there throughout the room. Bakugou pushed passed Midoriya, embarrassedly picking up the scattered clothes. He smiled at the taller teen.

"So.. where do I sleep?.." Midoriya spoke quietly, beginning to get tired. He only saw one bed in the room. They weren't going to sleep in the same bed, were they?! They barely even knew each other! Midoriya felt his heart jump into his throat and blush taint his freckled face in the dimly lit room.
Without even glancing in his direction, Bakugou pointed to the bed. "You sleep in the bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

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