08 - Burnt Rubber and Pine

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Katsuki held the bubbly letter between his thumb and forefinger, careful not to crinkle the corner. He began to read it carefully, getting a sour feeling in the pit of his stomach.

I've been meaning to tell you this for quite a while and I know it's super lame that I'm saying it through a letter but I have little to no courage when it comes to this and.. well. Yeah.

I like you, like a lot. Oh god, that was difficult to even just write. We haven't hung out for long but..

I'm in love with you, Katsuki Bakugou.

Katsuki hurriedly flipped over the small confession. Nothing. There was no signature or anything. Just a confession with rushed words, as if the person was afraid they'd back down.

He racked his brain for who it could've been. There was no way it was Kirishima, he had recently started dating an idiot named Kaminari. Plus the hand writing was too bubbly, Kirishima had rough scratchy hand writing.

This had to be a girl. Katsuki was sure everyone in 1-A knew he was gay, though. It wasn't something he openly talked about but it was obvious (according to Kirishima). Unless, it was Izuku who wrote the note?

Katsuki felt his heart pick up pace at the thought and he whipped his head up, suddenly remembering that Izuku was standing there beside his locker. He could ask the teen now and get this figured out.

Except for the fact that when he lifted his head, Izuku wasn't anywhere in sight. Katsuki blinked dumbly and looked around slowly. He was gone and Katsuki was left with so many questions.


Izuku ran until he was halfway home before he let himself even try to breathe. He had to get as far away as possible. He was sort of ashamed that he had just took off like that, but what else was he supposed to do? It wasn't like he could've stayed and faced Katsuki's rejection then and there. He would prolong it, as much as he could. He didn't even let himself consider the possibility of Katsuki returning his feelings, because who would like him anyway?

No one would, he reminded himself.

He inhaled, the streets smelling purely of burnt rubber and pine. He yearned to go to the secret place he and Katsuki shared but he absolutely could not risk seeing the blonde. He let out a quiet sigh and continued on his way home, slowing down to a normal pace that didn't attract stares.


For the next few days, Izuku avoided Katsuki. The blonde desperately tried to get his attention but every time the freckled teen just ran away. It frustrated him to no end and it only enforced his theory that the letter was from Izuku.

Everyday after school he waited in their shared space in the woods, hoping his crush (is that what Izuku was to him?) would show, but he never did. Once he had even stayed there until the sun rose, before giving up. A week later, after school, Katsuki waited by the Izuku's locker. He was nervous, as he sort of had been for the past week or two. Once his crimson eyes found those beautiful emerald eyes, his nervousness only spiked up.

It took Izuku a good bit to even notice Katsuki. He was delved into a conversation (probably about his favorite comic book hero) until Uraraka nudged him and pointed in the blonde's direction, making him wave awkwardly. Izuku's freckled face flushed and he ran away before the group could even think to protest. Uraraka and Iida both gave a look that furthered Katsuki's suspicion that Izuku was the author of the note.

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