Chapter 12:Unlocking new secrets

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Matthew's POV

I woke up to great smelling food, eggs, French toast, and orange juice. For me to smell the Orange juice Ryan had to be right next to me. "Save some for me Ryan." "How could you afford this hotel." "There are a lot of things you don't know about me, such as how I get my money." "Yeah yeah, your foods on the other side of the bed." "Merci." "Your welcome." (Yes yes I can speak French big deal) I noticed the clock on the other side of the table, I jumped up at how late it was. "Oh no, no, no, no no no, I'm late." "For what." "I have to see Sabrina, dumbass." "Don't get sassy at me princess." "Sorry, thanks for the food but I have to get to her." "Put on clothes and brush your teeth, don't forget to shower." "Yeah yeah, I'm not as dirty as I used to be." "After you met Natasha, you showered twice a day, I remember that specifically." "Don't talk about her." "About who?" "Sabrina how'd you get here." "Taxi." "Awesome, breakfast?" "No thanks I already ate." "So who were you talking about?" "No one." "Tell me."

Sabrina's POV

I was getting curious of whoever they were talking about, Matthew didn't seem to want to tell me, Ryan was just eating away. "Ryan who were you talking about." "His ex Natasha." "What's so great about her." "She was so beautiful, he told her that everyday so she wouldn't forget it, he'd be there with her every moment, they went to the fair every chance they got." "Great, if you'll excuse me, I have to go get an abortion." "Sabrina please." "Am I just some Natasha to you, are you treating me just like her so you can have her back." "No, no, that's not it at all." "Than what is it Matthew, please tell me." "Its complicated." "Its complicated, okay, then I'm just gonna give this back to my mom, and get an abortion, I don't want. something that's gonna make me think of you more." "Sabrina please wait." I stormed out of the room making my way to the elevator when Ryan stopped me. "Sabrina listen, he's in there about to cry, he loves you more than some Natasha, you don't even have the same hair color as her, Sabrina he wants to spend his life with you, he doesn't want it any other way." "He just treated me just like her, why did they break up anyway." "She got pregnant, but not with his baby, I'm pretty sure he was a virgin until he met you." "She cheated on him, and worst of all she got pregnant." "Yeah, please just fix this." "Fine, but I'm not forgiving you for not telling me sooner." I walked back into the room. Matthew was sitting on the floor with tears falling down his face. "Matt...." "Sabrina I'm so sorry, I did all the same things with you because that's what I do and I love the fair and you." "I know, Ryan told me what happened between you two." "I'm really sorry that happened." "I'm not." "Why." "If it didn't happen then I wouldn't be with you right now." I smiled only causing Matthew to ramble about absolutely nothing. "Shut up and kiss me." (Something from a movie but I forgot which one) Matthew put his arms around me and kissed me softly, trailing down to my butt a few times but only to have his hand smacked. "Stop trying, I'm not gonna let you touch it until you apologize 13 times." In between kisses he'd say he was sorry until he hit 13. "Can I please do you on the wall?" "Only if you promise to never leave me." "I promise." Matthew spread my legs and lifted me up. "Fuck me Pease!" I Started screaming, more than one thing at a time, I'd scream his name then I'd moan. I started giggling. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just having fun." "Your phone is ringing." "Why does this always happen?" "I don't know." He put me down and gave me my phone. "Hello." "Sabrina, I've got good news." "What is it Cyrus." "I've got you kow what." "I'm pregnant remember." "Oh yeah sorry." "Bye." "Bye." "Matthew wanna pick up where we left off." "Or we can take a nap instead." I walked over to the bed and laid with him. He cuddled me like I was a teddy bear. Matthew was everything to me. 

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