Getting Home

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I couldn't help but blush slightly when  we started to walk to the car. He was so sweet but I was starting to think I didn't deserve him. I was starting to think he was just lying to me. I was starting to think he didn't care. I brushed the thoughts out of my head as we got in the car and drove home. We said bye to Elton and Amanda and walked into the house.

We were in Colby's room talking again when my phone rang. I grabbed it. 'No Caller ID'. I decided to answer anyway.
"Hey, EV!" the person on the other side sounded like they had a deep voice.
"Hi.." Colby looked at me and mouthed 'You OK? "I nodded.
" I'd like to play a game. Who am I?
"Umm... OK"
"I'm short, I have blonde hair, I went to the same secondary school as you. Who am I?" I thought for a second.
"Oh my god... Haylie?"
"Hi, EV" her voice changed back to normal.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I'm OK. Has anything exciting happened in your life?" I look up and Colby who is watching me.
"Yeah but I'll talk to you later"
"OK, OK. Talk to you soon!"
"See you... Bye" I added her number to my phone then went back to talking with Colby.

"Who was that?" he asked.
"She was my best friend from secondary school" he tilted his head in confusion.
"Secondary school?"
"Yeah. You go there after primary school then its college or an apprenticeship. Wait I'm confused then what do you have here?"
"Elementary, middle and high school"
"We only have to change the school once. In primary school we have nursery, reception and year 1 upto year 6. In year six everyone is 11.
We finish secondary school at age 16 and a lot of the time our pare ts are just like 'See ya!'"
"Wow, that's so different" I shrugged. There was a small clock by Colby's bed and I looked at it. 11:00AM.
"Want some brunch?" he nodded as we got up and went downstairs.

We sat at the kitchen table together and ate some cereal. Our conversation mostly consisted of bad jokes and laughing. We were talking about the weirdest thing when someone poked my shoulder. I turned around and Brennan there. "Hi, Brennan. Are you here to take my Colby away?"
"Why else would I be here"
"Gimme like 10 minutes dude" Colby said as he got up and went upstairs. Brennan took his place.

"Do you know how much he cares about you?" Brennan said looking at me.

Brennan POV

I could tell what I said had sparked her attention. "All he does lately is talk about you" I saw her start to blush. "Sorry" I said.
"Dont worry about it" I smiled then Colby came downstairs.
"What are you two talking about?" he asked.
"Nothing" I replied all cutesy. He smiled.
"OK, let's go!" EV got up.
"As you won't be here, I'll go back home"
"I can take you on the way!" I blurted out.
"OK" she replied. She gave directions and we dropped her off.

"Seriously, what were you talking about?" Colby asked.
"What do you think, man? You"
"What about me?"
"Geez, paranoid much?" he rolled his eyes. "I was telling her how much you care about her" I saw him start to blush a bit.

We got to my place and was talking about his channel. "Yo, why don't you make a video with EV?" he paused a second to think about it.
"I would but I don't want her to get the hate"
"Well then, JUST make a video with her. Don't announce anything until you're ready"
"Maybe" then we continued our conversation.


I sat on my bed, leaning against my head board, scrolling through Instagram when I got a text.

HayBae: Wassup girl! Can you talk now?

Me: Course. Gimme a second

I warm up my voice and call her.
"So... What's the news?"
"Well, I'm not with Jack but I got a new boyfriend!"
"Oooh name?"
"Eye colour, hair colour and cuteness on a scale of one to ten. Ten highest.
"Blue, brown and 100"

Love At First Sight // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now