That Prank

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Three days had passed and the whole house was downstairs filming a video. When we finished I decided to go for a jog.
"See you in a bit!" I called. Everyone replied with OK or see you later. I did my normal route.

Colby POV

"I'm going to prank her again" I said.
"How?" they asked.
"A cheating prank but there isn't going to be another girl, just a fake one." they all nodded and went their separate ways.

Aaron POV

I didn't want Colby to prank EV so I called her.
"Hey what's up?"
"Nothing much. How is your jog?"
"Fine. Not long before I'm done."
"Dont come back"
"Colby is pranking you. Its a cheating prank but I think we can get him back instantly"
"Well,when you walk in storm off immediantly and shut his door. I will be downstairs so run to my room. I will make stair noises and slam the door like you left. I will convince him to come looking with me. This is when you sneak in his room and lie under his bed. When he is in bed. Poke him from under then take it from there."
"I love this plan! Thank you see you soon. I am outside"


When I open the door I see Aaron waiting by the stairs ready. He nods. I go upstairs and open the door to Colby's room. He looks up shocked as I slam the door and I hear Aaron making running noises as I make it to his room. Then I hear the door slam as I hear Colby running.
Dude, come on let's catch up with her" Aaron Shouted. The door slammed again. I run into Colby's room and hide under the bed.

It takes a while for him to come in but he does. I watch as the bed dips indicating he is there. I poke where it dipped the most and he gets up immediantly. I slide my head out. "BOO!" I shout. He jumps as I slide out from under the bed.
"Oh my god you scared me!" I smile and kiss him. I pull away from the kiss and lock the door.

"Don't ever try to scare me like that again!" I said as I pushed him onto the bed. I climb on top of him and kiss him then he flipped us over and took off his shirt.

The next morning

I wake up and he is still asleep. I kiss him on the cheek and climb out of bed. I have a shower, get changed, curl my hair and do my makeup. When I walk back into his room he is still lying asleep. I grab a post it note off the wall from a prank (previously done) and write on it. 'Hey! I decided to do a video with your camera. Will return it later. Xx EV' I grab the camera and head to my car.

I drive to target and grab a couple things. Then I go back to the car and set up the camera. "So, I was too afraid to do this in person so I decided to do it through a camera. Basically over the last few days I have been feeling sick in the morning so I decided that I'm going to take a pregnancy test. I'm going to go back home and do it there. I don't know what I want but I do not believe in abortions so no matter what, if I am pregnant, I will keep the baby."

I drive home and go into the bathroom with the least amount of echo. I get a test and take it then I place it on the counter and take another one so that I'm sure. I got the camera again." So I have taken two pregnancy tests and I am currently waiting for them both. I point the camera at the test and wait. Suddenly I see two lines. I check the key." Oh my god. It says I am. Hold on let's wait for the other one before I jump to conclusions." I wait another minute until I look at the other test. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I'm pregnant" I say in a low voice. I turn off the camera and put the tests in my pocket as I run upstairs and into Corey's room.

Corey and Devyn are in there. "Corey, I don't mean to be rude but I need you to leave until I say you can come back in" I look at him. He puts his hands up and leaves. I lock the door behind him. I walk to their bed and start to cry. Devyn runs over and leans by me. "Are you OK? What's wrong?" she asked rubbing my back.
"Easier to show you" I said. I pulled out one of the tests and show her.
"OH MY God" she shouts. "No way, have you told him, are you going to keep it, are you going to stay here if the other questions are a yes?"
"1 I don't believe in abortions so yes I am going to keep it. 2 no I haven't told him and 3 I would stay here." she hugs me.

"How do I tell Colby?" I ask.
"I would say to just be honest. Or ask about kids to get his honest opinion then tell him. Personally I would do the first option" I nod. I walk and unlock the door.
"Corey come in" I said. As soon as he was inside I shut and locked the door again. "Sit down. So I have some massive news but Colby doesn't know it yet so no shouting like Devyn did" he nodded.
"I feel like you're going to tell me you're pregnant" he said jokingly. I looked at him seriously. "No way!" I nod and hand him both of the tests. "Oh my god I'm so happy for you!" he stood up and hugged me.
"I am going to tell everyone in here and finally call Colby in and we can all tell him,ok?" Corey nodded.

Me: Aaron, come to Corey and Devyn's room ASAP

Aaron: OK, be there in a sec

I grab the tests off of Corey and wait for Aaron. When he comes in I sit him down. "I'm just going to say it, I'm pregnant" I said. He looked at me wide-eyed then he looked at my stomach and back to my face. I had the tests so he can read them. He stood up and hugged me.

Me: Jake, Corey's room now!

Jake: OK, be there in a sec

Soon Jake enters. I chuck the test at him. He catches it. "What's this?" he asked. Then he read it and his head shot up looking at me. "There is no way!" I nod. He hugs me. Now for Sam.

Me: I really need you in Corey's room. It's about Colby

I hear running and then Sam is inside. He sees everyone and sits on the bed. I do the same trick that I did on Jake to Sam. He sees it and doesn't move. He slowly looks up. "There is actually no way!" I nod and start to tear up as he walks over to me and hugs me "Does he..." I shook my head knowing what he was going to say.

"OK, all of you, don't say a word when he comes in" they all nod. "COLBY. I NEED YOU IN COREY'S ROOM" I hear walking and then I see him. Here goes...

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