It was a normal day. One like any other. Who knew the worlds would collide. Who knew they would be changed, perhaps permanently. Who knew two groups that should never have met would... and save the worlds.
Ha! I'm just messing with you. My name is O...
The thoughts crammed my head for a moment, but then I realised that they were dragon thoughts, and that was why I couldn't block them! GASP. They were so hard and pointy. I collapsed backwards, and Fitz caught me.
I blushed, because I would blush if Fitz sneezed five miles away. Dex fell onto the ground and started sobbing, but nobody cares except me because I care about EVERYBODY. Except Dimitar.
I knelt beside him and began soothing him. "Shh, it's okay cuz."
The black dragon with silver teardrop scales on her cheeks and bright green eyes stepped forward. "I am Moonwatcher, are you Sophie Foster of the prophecy?"
I nodded, knowing instantly that that was my destiny. All my friends gasped.
"How do you know that for sure?" Tam asked negatively.
I snapped my fingers, and Linh surrounded Tam in a magical mist bubble so that he wouldn't be rude any more.
"Wow, How did you do that?" A sparkly white dragon asked me, his eyes wide.
Linh blushed. "I'm a Hydrokinetic."
A red dragon rushed forward. "Yum, scavengers! I call the water one!"
Tam killed him, but nobody cares because it was just a minor character. Except for me, because I care about EVERYBODY. Except Dimitar. So I cried over his body while my friends talked to Moonwatcher.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Tam challenged them.
"Oh Tam, stop being so worried about me!" Biana laughed. "I'll be fine."
Then suddenly I felt a tingling in my mind!
"Stand back everybody, I'm manifesting again!" I called out.
Everybody moved back, worried. I sneezed.
"Whoops, false alarm!" I blushed.
"Naw, it's all good, Foster." Keefe drawled in a Southern accent. Then his gaze grew intense, like staring into two balls of ice set on fire then dropped into Keefe's eyes, which were then frozen.
"Those are some interesting emotions, Foster." Keefe teased. But he looked a little nervous.
Then suddenly we were dragons!!!
I was a NightWing, and Fitz was a NightWing, and Tam was a NightWing. Biana was a RainWing. Dex and Linh were SeaWings.
"Cool!" Dex bounced on his toes, excited. "I'm a dragon!"
Then suddenly a big zombie NightWing burst out of the ground, roaring. It was Morrowseer, like in the Prophecy!
Qibli roared in defiance. "You're not getting my Girlfriend!"
I leaped forward, my poisonous tail barb at the ready. I was prepared to die to save Moonwatcher, the one I loved.
"Wait Quibli!" The one from the Prophecy cried. "Remember the Prophecy!"
I didn't care, and then the zombie Morrowseer killed me with one blow.
Moon shrieked loud enough to wake the dead, and began sobbing.
"Well, well, am I late for the party?" IT WAS DARKSTALKER, COME BACK FROM WHATEVER THEY WAS DONE TO HIM!!!!!
Everybody screamed.
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Actually not.
This is so awful, it's funny. At least, to me. And I'm (according to everybody) strange. Ah, well, nothing to be done about that! See you next chapter! Signing off, Ocean of the SeaWings.