In which a person is revived, and an alliance is made

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I knelt next to Moon, who was crying over that SandWing's body. Taking her hands in mine, I lovingly stroked her. "Heart's dearest, why dost thou cry?"

Sophie (I read her name from her thoughts) shrugged from where she was also crying over Qibli. I could instantly sense that SHE CARED ABOUT EVERYONE. "I-I dunno!"

Moon's beautiful black and silver eyes looked up at me. "My beloved is dead! I will DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH because I can't live without him!"

I shrugged. "Well, I can fix that."

Everybody shrieked as I snapped my fingers.

And then Qibli came back to life. "Did I win?"

Moon threw herself on him, sobbing, her mascara running. "I never want to be parted from you ever again!"

Linh sighed dreamily. "You should get married!"

The livers sighed, and smiled at each other before nodding. Fits stepped forward and quickly performed the marriage ceremony.

Then Morrowseer killed Sophie, because everybody had forgotten about him. But nobody noticed.


Just kidding, there's more!


I walked away from Fitzinatorpooiana (My nickname for him), sighing over the lovely ceremony and the lack of robotic spiders in Phyrria. I looked around for MY beloved, wanting to tease her. Then I saw her beautiful, dead body on the ground and shrieked loud enough to wake the dead.

Except, it didn't.

Everybody rushed over, and collapsed over Sophie's body.

"Noooo!" wailed Dex plaintively. "My beautiful cousin who I once had a crush on!"

The dragons gave him weird looks and sidled away. One of them whispered about being cousins with a 'NightWing' to another.

Then a SeaWing with dark blue scales and strange patterns on her horns walked up, and snapped her talons.

"No, no, no!" she complained. "You are not allowed to make valid points in this fanfic. Scram!"

I went back to my grief over Sophie. Fitzinatorpooiana came and sat next to me, tears filling his teal orbs.

"Come back to me, Soph." Fitzinatorpooiana said softly.

Sophie was undead, and we all went home.


Well, that's our last chapter. Hope you all enjoyed! I need to go hide from Savina now. This wasn't supposed to be an irritating crossover... Signing off, Ocean of the SeaWings.

What in the Lost Continent happened here?! Ocean! What did you do to my reasonable crossover?! OCEAN! -Savina Clobee

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