It's a very dramatic sentence!(chapter 4)

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Author's note:

Hey! I hope you like the story this far. Please COMMENT! For me it's very important to get feedback. I am a comment maniac. :D I wanted to add some drama, please tell me in the end what did you think about it. Thanks. :)


Olivier's POV:

"We will go shopping!" announced Sydney, sometime around noon, looking extremely hyper. I guess, just like most of the girls, she liked to go and buy things. It was the second day I spent at her apartment. She didn't have any free time on the previous one. She was busy with practicing lip reading, sitting very close to her huge TV and watching Harry Potter, trying to observe how people moved their lips while talking.

Sydney did that for seven hours straight, without stopping for a single moment. I guess vampires have time to do whatever they want, whenever they want. She told me that their lifespan was around five hundred years. That's clearly unfair to us, humans, but I shouldn't be one to talk, trying to kill myself and everything. Regardless, I found out that she was a ninety-nine years old grandma, which was quite shocking, considering her young appearance.

About the shopping, she had a point. And a few credit cards, too. I definitely didn't want to spend the rest of the week in her "unisex" pants, so I nodded. Some people would whine about how they don't like to use other people's money. Not me. I hated to take it when people gave it to me out of pity and I really disliked to beg. But Sydney's money was rightfully mine, I exchanged it for blood. If you think about it, the red liquid flowing through my veins was kind of expensive, I bet she found it tasty. The next time I don't have money, I can just sell it to vampires as "luxury blood". At least she truly liked something about me. A reason to reconsider the whole suicide thing.

I didn't give up on it, yet. I just kinda gave life one last chance. About my reason to jump off that bridge, I didn't have one, it's just that everything was so empty that I wanted it to end. Sleep, beg, eat, sleep, beg, eat. Sometimes enduring a beating. I couldn't even have conversations, and when someone asked a question, I didn't have a way to answer. Going back to my parents was an option, too, but to that I preferred to commit suicide. It's not like they abused me or something. More like they didn't do ANYTHING. Living in a house with them was equal to living alone, since my existence was completely ignored. It was a lot lonelier, and more painful than being homeless.

We went into a plaza, full with very expensive shops, well, not as expensive for us. Before I left home, I considered it cheap, too, because we were wealthy, my father being a politician.

"Another thing that proves humans' worth." said Sydney suddenly. "Vampires don't make plazas. There are no vamp supermarkets either. They have hundreds of years to live and most never develop a fashion sense." she shook her head disapprovingly. "All those credit cards are going to waste."

I could imagine a vampire supermarket. The first aisle would be full with chicken blood. The second with pig blood, the third with cow blood...Do vampires drink cow blood? Whatever, the ninth aisle would be the one with human blood, and they would be able to buy luxury products in the tenth, like my "luxury blood". Just kidding. Also, some food for exotic taste, snake blood, spider blood, and bat blood, though in my opinion that last one is almost cannibalism.

"We are going in this shop." she said smiling, as she came to a halt before the New Yorker. "Since it's my favourite." It felt like when I was shopping with my girlfriend, but Jessica was a bitch and Sydney presumably wasn't. But she was undeniably a teenage girl, even if ninety-nine years old. After ten minutes she had approximately twenty pieces of clothing in her hands. I also chose a few pants, jeans and T-shirts and we headed to the fitting rooms.

Trying on clothes was a sad thing to do. Out of habit I picked them in my old size and was forced to change them out because they were all way too big. I came to the unavoidable conclusion that I had to gain some weight.

Of course I finished first. I had my own credit card, not so surprising, so I went and paid for the things I liked. There were some really cool ones among them. Now I had my own clothes again and that thought made me feel a little happy. I went back to the fitting rooms, and waited for the girl there, shoving my hands into my pockets, feeling something similar to gratitude.

She came out of the fitting room in some really short black denim shorts and a blood red tank top. Her long blonde hair was messed up, but in a sexy way...I was thinking about stupid things. Though I didn't say a word, which is only natural, Sydney noticed me right away.

"Olivier, you're here? I thought you finished long ago." I held up my bags to show her that her assumption was correct. "Oh." she said, her lips curving into a happy smile. "I came out to check it from afar." she pointed in the big mirror's direction, which was placed just where the line of fitting rooms ended. "What do you think?" she asked, turning around, letting me see the clothes from every direction.

I thought that there's too much skin showing. She had long, sexy legs, a slim waist, and two other body parts were quite big and very attractive, too. Yeah. I shook my head. It had to be some strange vampire magic.

"So?" she asked, still smiling. I lifted my right hand and held it out in Colosseum style, clenched, with my thumb  in the middle, like I was deciding to give an up or give a down, and I put on a very unsure expression.

'It...looks...good!' I formed the words with my mouth as I gave a thumbs up.

"Thanks." she said, obviously happy with my answer. "You don't have to wait for me inside, just go out if you want to." Sydney added. "And if you do, buy an ice cream, too. Something sweet." she finished, and went back to change her clothes.

Sighing, I went out of the shop, straight to the ice cream man on the other side of the corridor and I bought two waffle cones, both with one rice pudding flavored scoop, my favourite. Sydney was definitely strange. She tried on summer clothes and ate ice cream in the middle of autumn. Well, sexily strange. Go away, vampire magic!

I stood there, with an ice cream in both of my hands, when I suddenly heard someone crying out. I turned in the noise's direction only to notice the woman who stood very close, and looked straight at me.

My expression darkened as I recognized her. She had a new haircut. For a minute we just stood there, staring at each other in silence. The woman seemed to be nervous, fidgeting, and wringing her hands. Also, she couldn't look me in the eyes. But she didn't talk, just stood there like that. At that moment I felt like I died a little more inside. I knew it, I so knew it!

"Hello, who are you Mrs.?" appeared Sydney next to me, with a surprised look on her face. "And what's with the silent conversation?" 

The woman slowly shook her head...once...twice...thrice...."We don't know each other too well." she stated, and it wasn't a lie. Sarah never tried to get to know me. As soon as she finished the sentence, she turned and left in a hurry. How could she be like this? How in the hell was she able to do that?

"Who is that woman?" Sydney asked, with a worried look. For a minute I let my guard down and my expression betrayed my real feelings. Damn. I quickly fixed my poker face. 

How do I answer that question? I decided to tell the truth, though I hoped that Sydney wasn't good enough at lip reading, yet, and wouldn't understand. I guess that's what they call mixed feelings.

'My mother.' I formed the words. I would have whispered it anyway, since it was a fucking dramatic sentence.

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