It's a vampire princess's home(chapter 3)

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Olivier's POV:

She lied to me. It was a big, fat, lie. Sydney wasn't a good cook at all! We sat at the two opposite ends of the huge dining table, in awkward silence, the so called three course lunch between us, placed on the Garfield patterned tablecloth. It consisted of vanilla ice cream, cereal, - Nesquik, to be specific - and a single bar of Kit Kat. Even for my standards, the last one didn't count as a meal. For a moment it crossed my mind that maybe Sydney considered me as food too, and the chocolate was just the dessert. You know, like Kit Kat dunked in blood. Surely not first on my must eat list though.

Now I believed that she was a vampire. Even if all the words didn't work, feeling two sharp fangs piercing through my skin, and sinking into my neck was convincing enough. I would lie if I said that it was pleasant. In reality, the two places where my skin broke were still playing in an angry red color and aching like hell. Now I knew, that all those films with the oh so sexy vampire-servant relationships were just the product of humans' endless imagination, and of course the script writer's, who could easily be a forty years old virgin, longing for some romance and wilderness in her nonexistent love life desperately. 


Sydney didn't care about the filthy smell or that I didn't have a bath for the last month, the rain only worsening the situation by turning all the dirt and sand into mud, which, slowly running down my body, mixed with my sweat. I heard the little slurping sounds as she had her breakfast and felt the pain WHERE she had it. My heartbeat fastened, and I suddenly felt the urge to break away from her, maybe because of the survival instict coded into my very human genes. My arm lived it's own life and reached in the girl's direction, to push her away, but I noticed the unconscious movement, and pulled it back, clenching my hand into a fist, keeping it by my side. Than I started to feel bad. Like seriously. All I could feel was dizzyness, taking over my body, and than I couldn't see anymore, like every time I fainted. But, before I fell, the sharp fangs pulled away, and I noticed someone was supporting my body by letting me to lean on him. Her.

".....really sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." I heard Sydney apologising, as my blurry vision finally cleared after a few seconds of desperate blinking. I quickly let go of her, and keeping to my old habit, I nodded.

"Really, normally I'm not like this, it's just that I was very hungry today. " the girl tried to explain herself. "But now it's so much better." she said, as her lips curved into a little, statisfied smile. Mentioning feelings, I felt very anemic, so I sat back on the couch. My notepad and pen were right where I left them, so I didn't waste my time and lifted the latter immediately.

'Now I can eat all of the muffins, right? Even the ones with topping.' was what I wrote. She was a vampire allright. But that also meant that I wasn't homeless anymore, and all that alluring food was waiting for me to eat it. I didn't intend to leave a single crumb.

(end of flashback)

Considering the way how this female vamp, coming out from some creepy horror movie drained me of my blood, the lunch she gave me was outright horrible. She must have noticed the disappointed look on my face, because she started explaining herself again.

"It's just because the fridge was empty. I didn't think I would bring a human home. I did not lie when I said that I'm an amazing cook!" Sydney said, blabbering about all kinds of things when the only one that mattered was the sad fact that the lunch was no good. How nice for her to be able to do so.

I didn't concentrate on her words though, rather on her rosy lips moving, showing all her perfect, white teeth. I noticed that I couldn't see the fangs when she talked, and I suddenly became curious about if she could just pull them in and out as she pleased, like I did with my plastic lightsaber when I was little. That particular feature always came in handy if I wanted to launch a sudden attack, and it was one of the reasons that I dominated the "Kindergarten Wars".

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