Chapter 8

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       Tina sat on her bed in her pajamas, re-reading Newt's book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Her nose was buried in it, and she was oblivious to the rain that was lashing at her window, the droplets making a continuous drumming sound. The approach of slipped feet also escaped her notice. 

       Queenie poked her head around the door, which was opened just a crack. "Hey Teenie," she greeted cheerfully. Her eyes fell on the red book that was currently  clutched tightly in Tina's hands. "Reading Newt's book again?", she teased. 

       Tina looked up. "I just wanted to read up on a few creatures," she said, trying to sound casual. Ducking behind her book, she pretended to examine something up close, when she was really trying to hide her blush.

       "Aw, you don't have to hide from me, Teen," her sister said. "I'm your sister! And being a Legilimens doesn't exactly make it easy for you to stow away your thoughts," she tapped her head, winking.

       "Queenie, I wasn't having any thoughts."

       "Really? Because I was sure I heard something about a certain Magizoologist when I was walking by...", the blonde witch practically yelled.

       "Queenie!" Tina hissed. "Keep your voice down! He's only in the room over from this one."

       But her sister only giggled mischievously, a twinkle in her eye. She fully entered the room and plopped over onto Tina's bed. "Wanna talk about it?"

       "What?" It was the same kind of what she had given Abernathy when he'd asked where she'd been when she picked Newt up.

       "Come on, Teen, don't play innocent with me," Queenie urged.

       Tina sighed and put down her book. When Queenie put her mind to something, quite literally, it was next to impossible to try to stop her. "He's just a friend, that's all..."

       "You don't sound awfully sure about that. And besides, people don't look at their 'friends' the way you look at Newt," she pressed.

       "I look at Newt the same way I look at everyone!" Tina protested indignantly. And untruthfully. After all, hadn't she just realized yesterday that she had fallen in love with Newt? She heard a loud gasp from Queenie.

       "Oh my God, Teenie!" she squealed. "I mean, I knew you liked  him, but I didn't think that you were already in love!" Queenie looked positively ecstatic, and if she got any more excited, Tina was sure she would explode.

       "Queenie, be quiet!" Tina glanced around her sister to the doorway, which was mercifully empty. Still, the walls in this house weren't terribly thick. She got up from the bed and shut the door with a snap. "And anyways, I'm sure it's just a phase. All people get crushes."

       "Crushes?! " Queenie cried disbelievingly. "Teenie, this is more than just a crush! You said yourself that you're in love."

       Tina winced at her loud tone. "Fine, maybe it's not just a crush, maybe I am in love," she admitted. "But anyways, I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way, so let's just drop it!" Of course he doesn't feel the same way. After all, I'm just plain, boring, bland old Tina.

       "Teen! Don't think that way!" Queenie scolded. Then she grinned. "But there is only one way to find out whether he feels the same way or not..." And with that she bolted off the bed and threw open the bedroom door. 

       "Queenie!" Tina shouted. Oh, no. No no no no no. She raced after her sister, but she was too late. She caught only a glimpse of blonde hair whisking out of sight and into the bedroom next door. With a groan, she flopped down onto her bed and buried her head under her pillow, hoping with everything she had that this was all just a big nightmare.

Sorry, for the short chapter. And for ending with a cliffie. Hehe, I'm so evil. Not. :)

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