Chapter 37

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       "TEENIE! TEENIEEEEEEEE!" Queenie's voice screamed, slicing through the peaceful quiet of the Goldsteins' apartment.

       Tina jolted and scrambled out of her room, fear pulsing through her. What could possibly have happened to make her sister shriek like that? She sped into the hallway, where she half expected to see Queenie with her head on fire or her arm chopped off.

       Instead, the blond witch was running toward her, and waving her arms wildly above her head. "TEEEEEEEN!" she squealed.

       Tina sighed in relief, which was followed by annoyance. "Mercy Lewis, Queenie! Don't do that!" she snapped. 

       Queenie skidded to a halt in front of her, and doubled over with her hands on her knees, panting. "Teenie!" she said again.

       "What is it?" Tina inquired. 

       Her sister straightened up and fixed her hair, which was all over the place from her race down the hall. "I just walked by Newt's room, and he was having the loudest thoughts!"

       Queenie paused dramatically, and drew in a deep breath. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU GUYS KISSED LAST NIGHT?" she demanded.

       Tina could feel her eardrums quivering, and she winced as she rubbed her ear. She thought of Newt, and wondered with increasing horror if he had heard Queenie. Yes, he most definitely had, for her sister had yelled it at the top of her lungs. Tina tried to picture his appalled expression, and laughed to herself as his blushing face floated into her mind. 

       "Hey," Queenie snapped her fingers in front of her, "I'm still waiting!"

       Then, without waiting for a reply, she plowed on excitedly. "I can't believe it finally happened!" she squeaked, bouncing on her feet excitedly. "YOU KISSED NEWT! NEWT KISSED YOU! AND THEN YOU'RE GONNA GET MARRIED AND HAVE TWENTY CHILDREN AND GROW OLD TOGETHER AND–"

       "Queenie, shut up!" Tina hissed urgently. "Do you want Newt to hear you?"

       "Oh. That's a good point," Queenie frowned, tipping her head to the side thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think I'm just gonna have to yell louder for him to hear clearly. TINA, WILL YOU AND NEWT JUST GET MARRIED ALREA–"

       Tina clamped a hand over her sister's mouth, muffling the rest of her sentence. A blush heated up her face, and she glared daggers at Queenie. "That's it, we're going into my room where no one will be able to hear you. Or at least, hear you as well," the brunette muttered.

       She grabbed her protesting sister by the wrist, and dragged her through her bedroom door, shutting it firmly after them. Sitting her sister down on her bed, she said, "Okay, now we can talk."

       "Why didn't you tell me about you and Newt?" Queenie demanded immediately.

       "Well, it only just happened last night," Tina pointed out.

       "And the moment it did, you should have announced it to the world! Honestly, I think you guys are officially the last ones to know you love each other," Queenie said, shaking her head.

       "Love is a strong word," Tina mumbled, blushing.

       "Oh for God's sake!" Queenie said exasperatedly. "You kissed last night, didn't you? Why would you kiss someone you don't love?"

       As if to emphasize her point, she jumped off Tina's bed and raced to her bedroom door, throwing it open. "NEWT AND TINA ARE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER!" she yelled.

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