Chapter 14

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       Tina was walking with Newt, Queenie and Jacob down to the docks. Today was November 27th, the day that Newt was due to depart for home. A cold winter breeze ruffled her hair, and the clouds were thick and heavy in the sky, matching her mood. She could scarcely believe that it had already been a week; it felt like Newt had only been here for a few short days. 

       She found herself walking beside Newt, despite what she had been telling herself. And anyways, if it was his last day with them in New York, where was the harm? It's not as I'm ever going to see him again. I might as well take advantage of what little time we still have.

       Their trip down to the docks was silent, none of the four friends speaking. The air around them was somber and depressed. None of them wanted to see Newt leave. They had all bonded together through the Obsucurial incident, and when the Magizoologist's creatures had escaped, and all of them had grown even closer throughout the past week. 

       The Atlantic Ocean was visible from where they were, seemingly endless. The view reminded Tina that Newt would be an ocean away now, seperated by miles and miles of cold, choppy water. Letting out the smallest of sighs, she glanced to her side. Newt was trudging on, head down, case in hand, so that she was unable to read his expression. Tina wondered how he was feeling now. Eager to return home, or reluctant to leave his friends? Maybe there was somewhere in between. 

       She, on the other hand, had what seemed like a thousand emotions rolling around inside her in a turmoil. Desolation, sadness, desperation, and hope were the ones she could distinguish.

      Queenie and Jacob looked equally devastated, with Jacob opening his mouth every so often as if he wanted to say something, then closing it again, like a fish on land. 

       They stepped onto the docks, and a feeling of finality washed over her. Everything suddenly seemed more real now when they were standing at the spot where they would eventually part ways. 

       Thankfully, Newt's boat had not arrived yet. They still had some time together. People were milling about, waiting for their ride to be here. Some were talking in tight clusters, others standing alone. They walked to the edge of the docks and looked out over the water. Finally, Newt set his case down and turned to face them.

       "Well, it's's been incredible to be with all of you again," he said, awkwardly not meeting any of their gazes. 

       Tina knew that it was hard for him to express his feelings. It wasn't exactly easy for her either. "Hasn't it?" she said breathlessly.

       Jacob tried to smile, but it wavered. "You can always come back for a visit, anytime, Newt! Kowalski's is open twenty-four seven," he tried to joke.

       "Or we'll come to you!" Queenie pitched in positively.

       Newt smiled weakly. All of them knew that the chances of seeing each other again were slim. This was likely to be the last time they would ever see each other in person. 

       Tina plucked up her courage. "We're going to miss you, Newt."

       Newt looked up at her, surprise lighting up his eyes. "I'll miss you, too," he mumbled quietly.

       A foghorn sounded in the distance, and they saw a boat cruising through the blue-gray waves. The moment had come. A painful silence fell over the group, and Tina felt her eyes start to water. She did not want him to leave, she would go through anything if she could just have one more day with him. She had been so stupid, wasting time isolating herself from Newt. She should have known that her feelings were there to stay, etched inside of her. With every passing moment, she felt the regret and sorrow mount to heights that cracked her heart.

       They watched together as the boat drew slowly nearer and nearer, the time that they still had with Newt slipping away with each passing second. After what felt like several agonizing hours, the boat docked, and the gangway extended. 

       Passengers flooded on board in a single-file line, luggage gripped tightly. Newt did not move. His gaze was wet as he stared at the three of them, and they stared back. Wordless emotions flew between all of them, and Tina felt her heart ripping. Despite all her attempts to distance herself, she knew she still loved him. She just didn't know if he loved her back. Now seemed like the appropriate time to ask, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

       Something inside Tina was beckoning her to do something, anything, and before she knew it she had thrown her arms around him, enveloping him in a tight hug. He stiffened for a split second before hugging her back with everything he had, and she thought she felt a tear drip down onto her face, though she was unsure whether it was her own, or Newt's. 

       It was wonderful to be in his arms. Tina felt safe, and warm. And unexpectedly happy. She breathed in his scent. He smelled of the earth, sweat, and the wind. She had no idea how long they stayed like this. It could have been a few seconds, or possibly several sunlit minutes. She felt him give her a final squeeze, and he pulled away, leaving her feeling bare and cold. She instantly felt a pulling desire to be back in his arms. Her gaze met his, and she could see millions of unspoken words swimming in his green eyes. 

       Newt tore his gaze away, and nodded at Queenie and Jacob, smiling sadly. His eyes returned to Tina, and he tucked back a stray piece of her hair, his fingers lingering for a second longer than needed. 

       "I'll write you, Tina. I promise," he murmured quietly.

       Tina smiled softly. "I'd like that. Very much."

       His gaze swept over all of them, staying the longest on Tina, before he picked up his case and walked briskly away towards his boat. He paused on the gangplank, and Tina's heart jumped for a moment, but he lowered his head and walked into the boat, out of sight.

       Tina felt as if she was hollow inside as she stared at the spot where he disappeared. Her cheeks were wet, and she was crying silently, subdued to tears for the first time. She felt Queenie move up behind her to rest a warm hand on her shoulder, but her warmth was nothing compared to where Newt's fingers had grazed her cheek. 

       As the last of the passengers boarded, and the boat pulled away, she felt achingly empty, yet there was a sliver of hope inside her. Newt's words echoed inside her head. I'll write you Tina. I promise. She smiled slightly through her tears. Maybe the word promise does mean something to her after all. I'll be waiting for you, Newt.

Don't worry, this isn't the end. NEWTINA FOREVER. I'll write the next chapter tomorrow. Thank you for reading (and sorry for the sadness), and stay tuned! :)

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