Starting line

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My dad doesn't care about me, he was always "too busy" but in my mind, I know that it's not that. My dad is strong and doesn't care for the weak, any day now I feel like he is going to abandon me I have already prepared for this fact.

"Get out you don't belong here!"

The door slams closed and locks, it actually happens more often than you think because only the strong and or rich live in the inner circle where they are most protected. There are a few exceptions if the person is a slave they will be kept as an object which happened to me, my father kept me because I look and act like how my mother would have I guess. now that I have been kicked out time for me to set off to go to the outer wall, once you are kicked out that's where you have to go. I have seen slave traders selling kids at the auction most of them were most of them were kids that had been kicked out, the reason for this is because the price goes up. They know how to act in the inner circle they need less training, but also know what's expected of them. The pocket I put my tag in is some what hidden under a few layers of tool, it is very annoying. It is kinda like a tag that are on clothes like which store you rest in and how much you cost, you are given one when you are born with your birth name engraved on it. Each circle has a different tag so there are only three different tags the inner walls your tag is gold I don't know much about the rest but what I do know is that they embed magic into it I'm not too sure what. Since I look like my mom my dad makes me wear a large dress, it's uncomforable and ichy but it's long and a dark purple with gold lining with a light coat of silver dust, the tool and the hoop skirt make really heavy makes me feel like a doll. With skirt in hand walk as fast as I can to the wall, I'm not too sure where this will lead me but it has got to be better than here.
I make my way past mansions, glorified horse carriages which practically blind me, I look around to find something thats easier on my eyes and fine people who don't understand what too much gold and jewelry looks like. Finaly I reach the shadow of inner walls which it divides the inner and middle section, I slow my walking pace down to regain my lost breath to get ready to speak. They would know what to do since a lot of kids get disowned, and hopefully won't ask too many questions.

"Hey, wall guard!!"

"Ah, another reject, hey kiddo just a tip but if you don't want to be caught by those slimy slave traders then you're gonna need to run, there are a lot more than normal out there. Probably because there is more fresh meat than normal. Also I'mma ask for that tag of yours."

"Oh, okay here."

I move some layers of tool my hand getting caught on some of them, and pull my tag out. He takes and reads it and looks back up at me, then back down at my tag I have a feeling he recognized me.

"Let not say anything about this."

It's so awkward, I avoid his eyes I look to the left trying to find something to distract myself, I then found myself looking for the top of the wall it seemed impossible it seemed to go to the hevens. I sighed I wondered if there was a god and if they still loved us enough to help us in some way. I began to feel pain from my wrist, ankels, neck and my heart, I covered my mouth the pain was so strong it was making me feel nauseous. 

"Hey kiddo, it's done."

The guard came back and handed me a piece of wood, I looked at it and his arm reached out to give me the tag back. I take the tag back and examine it, what ever magic was placed on the tag had to of put me in pain but what was it?

"Yeah, that's the tag for the outer wall not as fancy as the other one."

"Outer wall, I didn't know thats where everyone gets sent?"

"Well, sent is a strong word to use but, yeah everyone that gets disowned has to leave to the outer wall."

"Oh okay, well I don't mind I like this one it's a lot lighter than the one I used to have."

The guard patted my head,

"Hey, kiddo I know I'm going to see you again, how and where I see you will determine how your life will be so safe tavels. I will lead you to the door now, you also may want to hide your tag."

Since I didn't have time to hide my tag I put it under my corset up against my body hoping it doesn't slide. As we get closer to the wall, it seemed that the wall, slowly devoured the sky above my head coming back to reality I continued to follow the guard soon he slow down to a stop.

"Also, before I open the door there are also people that are willing to help you get ready to run, good luck kiddo."

I gripped tightly to my dress for the fear and excitement that washed over me at the same time. He opened the door, I was shocked how dark it was but to now be faced directly at the sun it was blinding me but I ran without thinking.

The Neutral Leader (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now