Auction House

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It's been two days since the girl left I never saw her after handing her food, the thing I ordered should be done. I feel relaxed, and well rested, next thing to do is sell the stuff I have been holding onto and don't need anymore.

"Okay, so this is enough information on who is going to be there at the auction house."

"Madam, I agree. Are you sure you want to go alone?"

"Yes, so you can take care of Tyler. Fewer people the less likely we will attract attention."

"Yes, Madam."

He bows, for some reason this makes me really mad. I grab the potato sack that has everything in it.

"Shadow why are you bowing to me, I don't like it stop."

"I'm sorry, Madam I just wanted to see if you were the same as you were in your past life."

he stands up

"What does that mean? Anyways, here is money to do stuff with Tyler."

"Madam, I don't mean to pry but how did you get this money?"

"Working nothing that too big."

"Madam, this amount of money, would not be given if you did what you say you did."

"Shut up, don't worry about the details."

"Ah, yes Madam."

"I shall be on my way."

I walk do the door, as I grab the doorknob he grabs and pulls on my shirt.

"Yes Tyler?"

"You are going some place dangerous right?"

"Yup, are you worried about me?"

He nods and looks down at the floor for a few seconds, then looks back up give me a sad face. 

"Be safe."

I pat his head, and smile.

"I'm tougher than I look I will be fine."

He seems satisfied by my answer and lets go of my shirt smiling and waving at me I wave back and leave the room close the door behind me. Now to the clothing store, I go to the store and walk in.

"Oh, hello miss! you came just in time, here is your stuff."

"Thank you."

I take the stuff and pay the other half, that I said I would.

"Miss what you ordered is the highest quality fabric we have and best enchantments we have."

I nod and leave the building I go into a back ally and put the clothes on over and it's basically just a robe that is all black. I put the hood on and walk out and head to the auction house. I arrived and put my stuff on the counter for them to look at. With a plastic screen divided  me and her we are facing each other so I could see her face, that is when I notices the lady was giving me a look, of shock and amazement. It was different reaction than what expected, but that probably was because I have been around them so much.

"Um, give me a second."

She got up really quickly and was basically ran she slammed a door just a few paces to her right. She came back with someone who looked like a higher up. She picked up a necklace and gave it to him.

"Sir, these are the ____"

For some reason I couldn't hear the name, I will have to figure out why so I should keep something small.

"And this is the person that wants to sell them."

Her boss looked at me and sat down in the chair.

"Hooded figure, how much of it do you want to sell?"

I pick up a simple looking ring.

"Everything but this."

my voice came out way deeper than normal, but I pushed that off to the side

"Are you sure Hooded figure?"



He turns around and whisper to the lady.

"Hooded figure, what is going to happen is we are going to bring you too the middle section and sell it there, so we can get the higher ups there."

"Okay thank you."

They took the stuff and I walked to a dark corner and called Shadow.


"Yes, Madam?"

"This might take longer then I planed, they are going to take me to the middle section to sell the stuff there. So you will have to watch him longer."

"Alright madam."

"You should leave Shadow."

he disappears, I walk back the lady seemed to be looking for me.

"Miss are you looking for me?"

"Oh there you are, I'm going to show you to your room, for this mornings auction."

"Oh okay lead the way."

She leads me to the VIP area and to a door that has a number four on it.

"This is your room and here is your card whatever you want, the auction house will pay the price for you."

The card she handed to me was completely black with silver and gold lining on it.

"Thank you very much."

She smiled, and I walked into my room it had a balcony that overlooked the whole thing you could see all the people and you could also see the other VIP on my left, there weren't many considering this is the outer ring. Nothing here looked interesting so I decided put the ring on, I felt more powerful, I was feeling a bit tipsy like I was drunk then I heard a voice.

"What you gained unmatched intelligence The consequences for your power level will be.... Overthinking."

Overthinking as a consequence, that isn't a good thing at all I can't get in a bad spot. I didn't feel tipsy or drunk after I heard that voice. Interesting, very interesting. Before I knew it the morning auction was done, I left my VIP room as a left I saw one of the other VIP's leaving as well. He saw me, oh lord something made me think I should get out of here. I begin to turn around back into my room then it happens.

"Aren't you cute, don't run away from me."

I felt a chill down my back, I slowly turn my head back to where I heard the voice. It's one of those things shadow talked to me about a....... Pervert. Then I heard another voice.

"Stop it Aiden you are scaring him."

"WHAT?! what do you mean?"

MY SAVING GRACE THANK YOU!! I quickly flee and hide. I believe I am safe to walk out so I do and I don't see him anywhere. I walk around then I hear.

"Hooded figure, we are going to leave soon to the afternoon auction, also I saw you didn't buy anything."

"Didn't see anything that piqued my interest."

"Oh okay, anyways I shall lead you to the carriage."

"Yes please."

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