XVIII - Your crazy ex

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My head was resting in my hands, a desperate attempt to simulate rest after such an intense afternoon

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My head was resting in my hands, a desperate attempt to simulate rest after such an intense afternoon. While the team that consisted of Natasha, Captain America and several field agents were on a mission to catch Loki, I had spent those hours in a conference room with Intelligence agents. I told them everything they needed to know, and perhaps even more. They asked about his childhood, his personality, his parentage, his fears, everything that could help SHIELD understand his motives and also end his plans.

My stomach was in a knot the entire time. The words that came out of my mouth tasted too much like treason. I had spilled all of Loki's secrets, the deep and dark thoughts he had shared with me during intimate moments, his traumas and fears he had so confidently trusted to me. I couldn't help but feel like I was taking advantage of his vulnerability during our relationship, using personal information now to capture and disarm him.

Coulson broke my thought smoke. "We have him, Kari." He spoke gently, causing my head to shoot up from my hands. "He's here, captured."

"Can I see him?" I replied instantly.

He sighed. "Not yet. But there's someone else you might wanna see."

I followed Phil across the headquarters, the place being too big for me to really understand where he was leading me. We were silent all throughout the halls and several elevator rides, yet I figured it was normal considering how exhausting this day had been for all of us. At last, we reached a sliding door that opened before us, revealing a group of people sitting and standing around a conference table.

It wasn't too long before they all turned around to face us, a familiar face distinguishing among them. My spirits felt lifted; it was Thor. He stood there, tall and glorious, just as I remembered him. He hadn't changed one bit. The rest of the people I recognized: Natasha, Banner, the Captain and Nick Fury. Plus an unknown man standing next to the doctor I had spoken to earlier that day.

"Lady Karina!" Thor's face lit up when he was able to notice me.

We met in a tight hug, both of us reflecting a smile that felt too warm for the moment. He was chasing his brother down, I was betraying the man I once loved; however it all faded away once we were reunited. I broke the embrace apart to face him. "I'm so glad to see you." I grinned.

He stared down at me with the same expression. "Same as I am, it has been too long." Suddenly, his gaze became a frown the more he examined me. "You look different." He remarked. "Is this where you've been all this time? Earth?"

I nodded, then Natasha joined the conversation. "She's been working with us."

"Yes, I had to find out a second ago that SHIELD kept an asgardian hidden as an agent." interrupting us, the unknown man shot at Fury with offense. "Why am I always the last one to find out about things?"

The man replied without changing his regular cold and uninterested tone. "It was none of your business."

The first man rolled his eyes, then proceeded to address me. "So, medieval Nikita, I hear you and Loki...?"

No one answered his provoking joke, to which Natasha stepped in again, defending me from having to endure men's idiocies as per usual. "Karina, this is Tony Stark. He knocked your ex-fiancé out an hour ago."

"Good." I told Stark, firmly. He reached for my hand, which I shook out of courtesy, then brought the dialogue back to his previous comment. "And to answer your question, yes. Which is why I think I should go talk to him."

The entire group of people exchanged glances, silently. The only one to talk to me was Thor, who walked closer to me with caution. "Loki has changed. He betrayed his family, he's become blinded by power..."

"I know." I cut him off. "I was there when it happened. I was by his side watching him turn evil, why do you think I left?"

The tall man gifted me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry you had to face that. Perhaps if I had come back earlier..."

"I couldn't wait." My voice was harsh, interrupting him once more. "He's no longer the Loki I knew, believe me. There was no other choice but to run."

"If he is so changed then how do you expect him to listen to you?"

I shrugged. "I must try."

Continuingly, I turned around to face everyone else, taking notice of the fact that no one really objected to my idea. I sent Natasha a questioning look, which she responded with an approving nod. Then, I did the same thing with Fury; his reply was similar. Having everyone's approval, I sat down on the table, sighing.

"What do I say? What is my aim here?" I asked Nick for orders on how to proceed with the plan they surely had.

"Finding the Tesseract is our main priority." The man explained. "We keep that safe and the world is safe. You think you can get him to tell you where it is?"

I bit my lip, staring down in uncertainty. "I don't think so. Last time I saw him I was betraying the realm just so I could abandon him." I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "I doubt he'll surrender just because I ask him to."

"Then get him to speak. Just confusing him will make it easier to take him down."

Thor barged in with a laugh. "Oh, he will be confused, she was the love of his life."

At the sound of such unnecessary and untimely comment, we all decided to ignore it. It was too awkward to hear when I was receiving orders and it was far too dark thinking of how the situation had evolved. Thor cleared his throat, eventually regretting ever speaking. Once the unpleasant moment had past, I faced Nick once again.

"I have to go now... he needs to see me before his plans grow any bigger." I insisted on it, for it indeed was a good idea to show myself as promptly as possible; if I caused any sort of feeling inside him, maybe he could retract himself before it was too late.

The dark-skinned man nodded, agreeing to my demand, then ordered Coulson to escort me with a mere glance. I followed the man, my stomach twirling from excitement, yet not a good kind.

"Are you gonna be alright, kid?" Captain Rogers made sure to ask and worry.

"Sure. What could possibly go wrong?" I sighed out, evidently frightened.

Stark advanced with a sympathetic look. "You are trying to stop your crazy ex from destroying the world. Literally everything could go wrong."

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