Surprise, Surprise

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Scott decided to spend the night since mum thought I was still sick. Which was fine by me, of course. He hasn't brought up what happened at school since we left school. I know he's disappointed in me, but hopefully he'll get over it. 

I moved my body closer to Scott's, feeling his warmth.

Scott softly chuckled, "Ya must really wanna be close to me"

I nuzzled my head on his back, "It's morning, Scott.. Yer warm and comfortable."

"I'm fat, I think we established that the other day" Scott laughed.

I chuckled, "In reality ya aren't fat, Scottie. Ya know that, right?" I mumbled onto his back.

Scott softly chuckled, "Yeah, I know."

My stomach suddenly tightened up. 

"Scott, move." I quickly said.

Scott turned over, "What?" He said.

I pushed Scott as hard as I could off the bed.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards the bathroom.

I knelt down to the toilet and threw up.

Scott ran behind me, "Oh, Julia.." He sighed.

"Were ya really not feeling well yesterday?" He asked.

"I felt better. I told ya that Scottie.." I said, feeling the sickness come over me.

I groaned, throwing up again.

"I'll go get yer mum" Scott said as he walked out of the bathroom.

I wiped my mouth, feeling my stomach settle.

I sighed, flushing the toilet. What the hell is wrong with me? 

"Julia? Darling, are you still sick?" Mum cooed, sitting beside me.

I shrugged, "I thought I felt better yesterday.." I softly said.

"Yesterday? Yesterday like when you got kicked out of school?!" Mum shouted.

She glared at Scott, "You two got kicked out of school yesterday!" She looked at me again.

"Don't think the school doesn't call me." Mum said, disappointed.

I sighed, "Mum, it's this girl in my cl-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, you're home. That's that." Mum said as she got up from the floor and stormed off.

I sighed, covering my face. "God dammit.." I whispered.

"Julia, maybe we should take ya to the doctor or something.." Scott suggested.

I slowly stood up from the cold floor, "No, Scott. I'll be fine, it'll pass."

Scott smirked, "All things must pass, I guess.." He shrugged.

I glared at him.

"Sorry.." He said.

"Do ya want to go outside? Maybe get some fresh air?" Scott suggested.

I shrugged, "Why not.." I mumbled, walking past Scott.

Mum glanced at me then continued to read her book.

"Where are you two going?" She asked, not looking up from her book.

"Outside. Fresh air sounds nice" I shrugged.

Mum sighed, "Don't be gone too long" She said, straightening herself up.

I gently took Scott's hand, "Come along." I said, walking downstairs with Scott.

Scott closed the front door as we walked out.

Scott pulled out his pack of cigarettes.

"Do ya need a cigarette?" He asked.

I shrugged, "If I'm ill, I don't think smoking will 'elp me much."

Scott sighed, "Yer right.." He said, putting his pack of cigarettes away.

I sat down on the deck, holding my stomach as I rocked back and forth.

Scott looked at me oddly, sitting down beside me. "Are ya alright, Jules?" He gently asked.

I shrugged, "I-I just don't feel well. My stomach hurts" I quickly said as I start to shake.

"Maybe we should get ya inside." Scott said.

"Maybe" I said.

Scott grabbed onto one of my arms as he helped me up.

"I should be good, Scottie. Thank ya" I weakly said.

I slowly walked towards the front door.

Suddenly a terrible pain stung my stomach.

"Ah!" I screamed, falling to my knees.

I held onto my stomach.

Scott ran to my side, "Julia?! What's going on?"

I started crying, "Scott, this pain!" I cried.

"That's it. I'm taking ya to the 'ospital." Scott sternly said.

" 'urry!" I cried in pain.

Scott started to panic, "Oh, uh, Alright! I'll go get yer mum!" He said, running inside the house.

I held onto my stomach tightly as I laid on the ground. What the hell is going on?! This hurts so bad!! 

I whimpered.

Mum ran by my side, "What's going on?" She quickly said, helping me up.

I held onto my stomach as I stood up, "I don't know, mum. It just hurts" I cried.

Mum looked at Scott. "Help her get to the car, we're going to the hospital." She said.

Scott picked me up as mum started the car.

"Scottie.." I whimpered as I laid down in the car.

Scott sat beside me, letting my head lay on his lap.

"Shh..." He said, caressing my face.

I closed my eyes tightly, wishing for the pain to go away.

I feel so terrible, like something is in me! I need this pain to go away, god dammit! It's like someone stabbed me in the stomach, I don't know what's going on.


I laid in the hospital bed, mum and Scott sat beside me.

Scott held onto my hand tightly.

"You'll be fine.." Scott whispered.

I let out a weak smile. I know this hurts Scott to see me like this. To see me in pain. I can see in his eyes that he wants to cry. I'm glad he's being strong for me.

"Ms. Lennon?" Doctor Wolf said.

I sat up as mum and Scott's bodies snapped towards the doctor.

"We know what's going on." He sternly said.

"Yes? What is it then?" Mum frantically said. 

Doctor Wolf sighed, "Julia.." He started off by saying.

"You're pregnant."

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