Hold On

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Scott was released from the hospital a few hours after our moment together. He left the hospital in his wheelchair. Mum came by to pick us up. 

"I can't believe your father is so irresponsible like that. For God's sake, couldn't he have looked out on the road?" Mum asked in irritation.

I groaned, "Mum, it wasn't 'is fault. The other driver was fuckin' drunk, what else do ya expect to 'appen?" I said.

Mum sighed, "Julia, you and Scott just had a baby. To be killed suddenly a few days later is no acceptable." She said.

I sighed, "Even if we did die, ya and John could watch Emily."

"Yeah, I suppose so... But you two are not dead, so.. Lets stop talking about it!" She said.

I groaned, "Mum, ya brought it up first." I said.

"Whatever.." She mumbled.

"Why are ya in such a terrible mood anyway? Yoko came by and got dad, that's the end of that." I said.

Mum sighed again, "I love your father, Julia. But Yoko always comes around and takes him at important times like this one.."

"Mum, yer're married to John Twist. Get over dad already." I said, getting irritated.

"I know, I know." She mumbled.

"I just...Don't like how much of a bad driver your father is." Mum said.

I glared at her, "Yer emotions keep changing. I suggest ya just shut up already."

Mum slammed on her breaks, causing all of our bodies to go forward.

Mum's head snapped towards me, "I will NOT be disrespected like that anymore, Julia! If you have something to say about me in that tone of voice, then I suggested you move out!" Mum yelled.

I glared at her, "Whatever, I'm just sa-"

"I will have no more of this, NO MORE!" Mum shouted as she drove again.

I sighed, slouching back in my chair.

I slowly turned my body around, " 'Ow are ya doing, Scottie?" I gently asked.

Scott shrugged, "Almost normal." He said, glancing at the space that was once his right leg.

I sighed, "You'll get better soon, darling." I softly said, gently touching his knee.

He moved his knee away from my hand.

He frowned, "I just..." Scott looked up at me.

"I know, Scott." I sighed, turning back around.

"We can't get our own place anyway, mum. Scott needs to heal and get a job first." I said.

Mum glanced at me, "Why don't you get a job then?" 

I looked at her, "Mum, I just 'ad a baby. I need to watch Emily and do all the motherly things." I said.

Mum let out a small laugh, "Well, then you two will need a few months." She said.

I sighed. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed, jeez.. 


Mum pulled up in the driveway. She quickly turned off the car and hoped out.

"Mum, I can get Scottie." I said.

Mum sighed, "Are you sure? Ya can't move around so much with your sti-"

"Mum." I repeated myself.

She sighed again, "Just be careful, darling." She said, kissing my forehead as she walked up the stairs.

I went to the back of the car as I grabbed Scott's wheelchair, I slowly unfolded it.

Scott slowly opened the door, "Darling, are ya sure ya ca-"

"Scott, drop it." I said, rolling the wheelchair to Scott's side.

"Alright....Um.." I said, thinking of how I was going to get Scott out of the car.

I could carry him? But.. What if my stitches become undone... Um.. Lets see... He could jump out and hope he lands in the wheelchair? I mean, this car isn't that tall... Um... 

As if Scott had read my mind, he jumped out of the car and landed in the wheelchair.

I gasped, "Goodness, Scott. Don't scare me like that!" I scolded him.

He laughed, "I made it, didn't I? Ya can't work yourself too much, love." Scott sweetly said, holding onto my hand.

I glared at him, "Yeah, well neither can ya."

He chuckled, "Let's go inside.. I see Syd and Steven are still 'ere." He said, pointing to their car.

I sighed, "Let's go."

I had to use my muscle as I slowly rolled the wheelchair over the deck's steps.

Just don't move, Scott. If ya move, we fall. 

Suddenly, the front door went wide open as Scott and I saw Sydney and Steven rush out.

"Oh my god!" Sydney cried, rushing towards us.

" 'Ere, Jules. I've got 'im." Steven said, pulled Scott's wheelchair up.

"Thank ya." I softly said as I slowly walked up the stairs.

Sydney rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Ah!" I softly screamed in pain.

Sydney gasped as she let go of me, "Oh my god, did I hurt ya?" She asked.

"Syd, I got stitches." I said, eyeing her.

Sydney nodded, "Ooh... I see... Ow.." She said as we sat down.

"I'm glad ya two are alright." Steven said.

" 'Ow's Emily?" I asked, looking over to Sydney.

"Oh, Julia! She's an angel, I wish Lily was a little more like that!" Sydney giggled.

I smirked.

"I love my kids no matter what though." She added.

I chuckled.

Steven looked around, "Where's yer dad?" He curiously asked.

I sighed, "Yoko came around and got 'im.. Looks like 'e's in trouble." I mumbled.

Sydney gasped, " 'Ow could she 'ave done that? Did she even care about the accident?" 

I shook my head, "Nope. Didn't give a fuck. She was angry that dad came over here to Liverpool than somewhere else." I shrugged.

Sydney's eyes went wide, "What a bitch!" She said.

I smirked, "Nah, Yoko's alright.. I understand. I just 'ave to call my dad more often now, 'e says."

"Well, why don't ya call 'im now?" Steven suggested.

I looked at him, "It's like a thirteen hour flight from 'ere back to New York, Steven. I can't call 'im until tomorrow." I said.

"Ah.." Steven softly said.

"Scott's 'as a fake leg we'll be needing to train 'im on." I said, smirking at Scott.

Steven started laughing, "A fake leg? Scottie-boy, yer're going to become a pirate!" He laughed.

Sydney gasped, "Steven!" She scolded.

Scott smirked, "It's alright." Scott said as he started laughing.

I let out a small chuckle, "I guess we could always tell Emily that 'e's a secret pirate." I smirked.

Scott laughed, "Sure.."

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