Sweet Child Of Mine

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"Happy birthday to youuuuu! Happy birthday to youuuu!!! Happy birthday, dear Emily! Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!" We all sang as Emily smiled brightly at the candles.

I can't believe it... My baby girl is already a year old. So much has happened within that year, it's crazy! Emily can talk a little, she can walk... God, she's growing up too fast.

"Emily, blow out the candles!" I cooed.

Emily smiled widely as Scott stood behind her, helping the little one blow the candles out.

We all cheered, "Yay, Emily!!" I said, clapping my hands together.

I kissed Emily's forehead, "Happy birthday, baby-girl!" I smiled.

"M-M-Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" Emily tried reaching out for me.

I smiled widely at Emily calling my name.

Mum walked in front of the cake as she started cutting up pieces for everyone.

"And the biggest piece goes to the Princess!" Mum cooed, handing Emily a big piece of cake.

Scott and I smiled at our daughter as her eyes grew big at the cake.

I giggled, "It's really big, huh?" I cooed.

Scott leaned closer to me, "That was yer reaction a year ago as well." Scott whispered.

I gasped, "Scottie!" I giggled, gently whacking him.

Emily basically dived into her piece of cake as her entire face was covered with cake.

I giggled as she started smiling widely at me.

"Do ya ever think ya want more kids?" Scott softly asked.

I stared at Scott, "I don't know.. The 'ouse isn't that big, Scottie. We're still so young, plus we 'ave the band.." I sighed.

Scott kissed my cheek, "Just think about it, love." He smiled.

I smiled, kissing Scott's lips. "Maybe... Just not now." I said.

Scott smirked, "Alright, love." He said.

I turned back and smiled at Emily.

Scott started chuckling.

I turned my head back to him, "Wha-"

Suddenly Scott smashed his piece of cake on my face.

"HA!" He laughed loudly.

I started laughing, "Ya son of a bi-"

"Language!" Mum scolded me.

"Ya son of a brownie, ya." I chuckled as I grabbed my piece of cake, smashing it onto his face.

Scott started laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh, ya two are so cute!" Sydney cooed.

I smirked, "Thank ya." I softly said, wiping the cake from my eyes.

"Come and give me a kiss, sweet lips." Scott smirked as he dipped me.

I laughed, "Scottie!"

Scott pulled me closer to him as he kissed my frosted lips.

"Mmmmm.....Ya taste good." Scott winked.

I giggled, "So do ya. Ya taste like cake!" I said.

Scott smirked, "That's my specialty." He said, pulling me back up.

I giggled.

"Oh, you two got cake all over the floor!" Mum grumbled.

I smirked, "It's not carpet, mum. We'll clean it up later." I said.

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