Chapter 4

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Two Oceans in between us {Anne and Gilbert}

Anne's POV

My breath was steady as I lied in my bed, Diana and Ruby's arms brushing against mine. I usually slept in the middle when two friends stayed over, mostly because I was the most thin. I could never determine if being thin was a good thing, everyone else was in proportion. But I guess everyone wishes for things they can't have. The window was slightly open, the night breeze swooping in, making me shiver. Dreams were something I never had when I went to bed, or maybe I've had them but I don't remember. My head pounded with thoughts, unable to determine if I should let them in, or just shove them away and go to bed. I lifted my hand up gently from the covers, and ran my fingers through my hair. It's been growing out since I had to cut it all off, it was a little longer then collar bone length, which I didn't mind, apart from the fact it was still red.

"Anne?" Ruby's tiny voice sounded wide awake, I thought she was sleeping. I turned to my side, my eyes facing hers. She looked like a princess, her long golden locks flowing on the pillow and slightly off the bed, her lips a rosy pink. At least that's what it looks like, then again it's the middle of the night and I can only see her close up. I nodded, motioning to her to continue.

"I can't sleep." She mumbled, her voice glum. I signed, and eyed her tapping hand on the bed before rolling back onto my back.

"Neither can I." Diana added, making me jump a little. This never happened. Last time these two stayed over they fell asleep before dusk. I rolled my eyes, and sat up, pushing off the blankets. 

"Well if we're all on the same page... let's talk." I said, rising from the bed. My feet hit the cold wood before walking over quickly to the burnt out candle, lighting it again. The warm sensation hit my face, lighting up the left side of the room. Apparently Diana already got the message as she lit the other one. Ruby sat up straight, her head leaning against the headboard. I walked back over after placing the candle on the table, sitting down near the bottom of the bed. Diana sat next to Ruby, her face looked far from tired.

"What should we talk about?" Diana questioned, eyeing the room carefully. I watched as her gaze landed on the crumple of papers on the table to the right side of the room. I sucked in a breath. My letters to Cole. I still need to do that.

"Boys." Ruby said excitedly, her eyes filled of wonder.

"When you say boys you mean Gilbert Blythe?" Diana said, rolling her eyes. I let out a laugh.

"We hear you talk about him all the time, Ruby." I said, wanting nothing more then to move onto a different subject. Last time I saw Gilbert is when I went into his house to get the books to help Matthew, I already took notes, so It's about time I return them to him.

"Well who wouldn't want to talk about him?" Ruby said, her eyes landing on Diana, who looked completely happy.

"Whats there to talk about? How he's every so dreamy?" Diana acted, her impression of Ruby made me laugh, Ruby made a face at her before laughing a little too.

"That's not the point. Rumor has It Gilbert Blythe is still walking around with my first kiss." Ruby added, her face turning red.

"Oh, really-" A large crashing sound came from outside, followed by another. We all jumped and ran towards the window. just a little beyond the barn a spark of light was in the woods. I hurriedly got dressed, along with Ruby and Diana into something less sleep ware like. I opened the door softly, which surprised me to find it was silent in the house. Apparently Marilla and Matthew didn't hear it. We tip toed down the stairs, opening the front door.

Two Oceans In between us {Anne and Gilbert}Where stories live. Discover now