Chapter 5

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Two Oceans in between us {Anne and Gilbert}

Anne's POV

The sound of knocking shook me from my sleep, my eyes slowly opening to a blurry ceiling. I groaned and rolled over to my side. I heard Diana shift behind me, the knocking sounding again. Out of curiosity, I slowly rose from bed, trying not to disturb Diana and Ruby. My feet landed on the cold floor, my breath steady as I made my way over to the window, little light shining through. It must be dawn. I rubbed my eyes and stood on my toes, peering out and looking down to see who was at the front door. I nearly fell over when I saw Gilbert Blythe and the boy we saw from last night. I gasped. We still had school today, I nearly forgot. But why are they up so early. I watched as the screen door opened, and Marilla stepped out, brushing out the apron she wore. I squinted as she welcomed them in, thoughts clouding my mind.

"Ruby! Diana!" I whispered loud enough for them to hear. Ruby shifted up right away, Diana rolled over to face upwards, slowly going into a sitting position. They both looked exhausted, which I can't blame them as we had to go on our little adventure last night. And now the boy with the old man Is downstairs with Gilbert.

"We need to get dressed. Gilbert and the boy from the woods are here." I said, rushing over to grab two ribbons to do my braids. Ruby's eyes widened as she threw herself from bed, rushing over to her things. I quickly threw on one of my every day outfits, tying my hair into two braids. I rubbed my face, making sure I was completely awake. Ruby and Diana hurried out before me, their footsteps heard on the stairs. I sucked in a breath before I grabbed my books for school that I took home, placing them in my basket. This is going to be a strange encounter, with me having weird communication with Gilbert, and they new boy starting school today. I went slowly down the stairs, the sounds of muffled conversation filled my ears. I turned and walked into the kitchen, all their heads turning to me.

"Hi." Was all that came from my mouth. Why was I so nervous? My eyes immediately went to the boy from the woods last night, his blond hair looked much lighter now that the sun was rising, and his eyes a stormy gray. He was tan, and a little shorter than Gilbert. His eyes were locked on mine, which made me feel uncomfortable. Being the center of attention was nice at times, but not now. 

"Why hello Anne, why don't you get you're friends some tea." Marilla said, nodding towards the already boiling water. I quickly looked away from the group and nodded.

"Right, of course." I said, hurrying over. A familiar presence was felt next to me, I looked up to see Gilbert, his green eyes looked lighter then normal. I smiled awkwardly as he started helping me with the tea. 

"Sorry. About yesterday." The words flew out of my mouth, not knowing what else to say. Gilbert signed, running his hand through his hair before nodding.

"It's alright. You had... good intentions." His voice trailed off, which made me regret what happened even more. I frowned and handed Ruby and Diana cups of tea, Gilbert giving one to the other boy. I blew on my cup, trying to make it cooler.

"So, Anne is it?" The unfamiliar voice sounded, making me looked up to the new boy. His eyes were filled of curiosity. I nodded, placing my tea on the table.

"Yes, with an e, in case you were to spell it." I added, making him chuckle a little. He smiled, which formed two dimples on the sides of his cheeks. He sure looked more like a rich boy other then one who cuts down wood. But I'm not one to judge, just curious.

Two Oceans In between us {Anne and Gilbert}Where stories live. Discover now