Chapter : 5 ( season 2)

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Im running , as fast as I can . Im holding my blouse with one hand . Tears mix with the blood of my ripping lip. The shops and local are just passing by me .im not turning around. Fear is too big that this guys should follow me and should be like this he won't come past the doorman . After 6th block , the target is finally in Sight . I'll give a final look at my back . I see nobody I give a look at the doorman go to the elevator and upstairs. My lung burns and everything hurts me . I'll go to the bathroom immediately. I feel so dirty , I rip my cloths off and go in the shower . The dirt must get of my body . I take a while bottle shower gel pour it all over my body . When i get a little clean . I sit down with my back on the wall . I don't know how long I've been sitting there . Im like totally not into myself anymore .

RYAN 'S VIEW : I got it all quick fixed . It will take a few more days untill the error is corrected but at least the project continues. Since I'm on the plane , I can try to reach my sweetheart . At the the clock it's Sunday morning 8am . Well I can call her and tell her that I'll be with her in a hour. She will be happy about it .The phone rings ..... rings...... voicemail. Strange usually she's always answers when I call her . I'll try again , the phone rings ....... rings...... voicemail . Maybe she's still asleep . Must have been a long night with Lisa . I'll try it again when we land . When the plane lands and I get out , I'll call her back but couldn't reach again . Now I'm getting worried .
RYAN: Jake drive me home as fast as you can . I can't reach kate and I'm worried about her .
JAKE: please put your seat belt on fast Mr. Carter .
So I'm gonna buckle up fast . He's taking me home in very high speed. When we arrive , I get out of the car and run to the elevator, get in and go upstairs. When the door opens , I enter the apartment .
RYAN: darling ? No answer. But wait a minute there's water noise from the bathroom.

KATE 'S VIEW : I'm still sitting under the shower with my head on my knees and back on the wall .The water is falling over me . The dirt still seems to stick to my body . I can feel his disgusting hands on me too . The fear comes on me again when i notice that the bathroom door slowly opens . My blood freezes in my veins. Did this guy actually made it till here ? Instinctively I pull my legs closer to my body . The shower door opens and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I watch together and defend myself with my hands.
KATE: no ... don't.... don't touch me ..... let go of me.... just leave me alone........
RYAN: hey ... hey... hey darling. Hey what's wrong with you? It's me .
When I recognize the voice of Ryan I start crying and look at him , when he sees my face with the bloody lip he's shocked . He puts his arms around me and pulls me closer to him . im stuck with him crying . I don't know how long we sat there but with him in his arms I calmed down after a while . He stopped the water and put a towel around me . Then I realized I was shaking all over the body .
RYAN: honey please tell me what happened? " I lift my head and look at him , he's very worried " please tell me who did this to you?
I start crying again . He gets up , takes me in his arms lifts me up and carefully takes me to the living room and puts me on the couch . He's covering me up with a warm blanket . he goes into the kitchen and comes with a warm cup of tea for me and sits next to me , gives me the cup puts his arms around me and say nothing.
KATE: I was at the movie with Lisa after we said goodbye to each other I started walking towards home . A masked man pulled me into a dark alley . " Ryan pulls me in " he ripped my clothes ... He threatened to kill me if i moved or screamed .
RYAN: did he touch you?
KATE : YES.....
I'm starting to cry stronger . I can see how his pulse rises .
KATE: i could escape before worse happened ..... im so sorry Ryan I'm so dirty .
RYAN: you are sorry ? You are not the one to be blamed my love . Please don't talk like that . You're not dirty either .
" shaking my head as a sign of NO"
Please listen to me , I promise you that I'll find this pig who did this to you.  He'll regret that he wanted to rape my wife . But first of all , I'm gonna take you to the hospital so they can take care of you  there and make sure you are  fine . Honey i love you and I can't stand someone touched you and hurt you . I can't see you in this pain . Please get dressed.  " he gives me a kiss on my forehead and gets up "
He's enough for me to help . I run upstairs and get dressed.  When I get down Ryan is in the kitchen with Jake.
RYAN: I want you to find her phone.  Make yourself smart and ask around if anyone saw anything .  Let your relationship play .
JAKE: will be done Mr.Carter . I won't disappoint you .
When Ryan discovers me , his expression changes rude to soft . He comes to me and takes me in his arms .
RYAN: so we're going right? Ready ?
I nod . We get in the elevator  go downstairs and get in the car .  When the car stops front of hospital , I get a little nervous.
RYAN: don't worry my love . I'll  stay by your side all the time .He's trying to give me a tender smile. We go in Ryan tells them what happend . Then I was investigated.  My lips was stitched with two strokes .
DOCTOR :  except for the lip.  Your wife has no other physical injuries. At the moment she's under a slight shock , but with a little rest she will be oky . Take good care of her Mr. Carter.
RYAN: thank you . I'll doctor. 
DOCTOR : I gave her a little sedative for today so she could come to rest and sleep . Honestly tomorrow she should be a little better .
RYAN: Thank you doctor
Ryan comes over to me takes my hand and leads me to the car . We get in the car and leave . I look at him and she says to me everything will be fine now .then I fall asleep in the car . I don't wait to get home.  Ryan takes me in and puts in bed .in my dream, the whole scene  comes  back again . Im being chased into a dark alley ..... an ... All. I scream
RYAN: everything's  good.... you're home with me . It's oky sleep further it won't happen  to you again .
His voice in my dream makes me let go of everything and only focus on him and the sound of his adorable voice . I sleep deep and tight again . This time without any incidents.  ..............❤

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