Please don't

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In the meantime, the rest of the legends were still in the room talking when they heard people scream their friends' name 


Ray and Jax jumped to the door and opened it when they heard the screams only to find the people who helped them back in 1975.

"Stiles, Lydia, Allison ? What are you guys doing here?" Jax asked.

"We had trouble with the school bus so we're spending the night here." Stiles answered.

"And what's wrong with Ruby ? Why are you screaming her name ?" Ray added.

The three teenagers looked down.

"She heard us talk about Derek.." Lydia said, "He died last night."

"Derek is dead ?" Sara asked, shocked.
The strawberry blond haired girl nodded.
Ray felt bad, he knew that Ruby was feeling miserable and that broke his heart. He knew that he had to find her, let her know that everything was going to be okay.

"What are we waiting for ? Let's go find Miss Jones !" Stein exclaimed.

The legends and the three teenagers split up to look for their friend.

Allison went with Snart, Ray and Sara,  Lydia with Kendra and Rory as for Stiles, he went with Firestorm.

Stiles kept thinking about the situation going on.
"Jax?" He asked
"Did Ruby act any weird earlier ?"
Jax took a moment to remember.
"Actually, we were joking around then she asked us if we heard a man talking, then she turned silent and became a little too calm. Then she just walked out."

"That's weird, Scott also mentioned something about hearing a voice, except he was the only one who did. And Boyd broke the vending machine and did not respond to anything I said to him. And Isaac and Ethan are also nowhere to be found." Stiles announced.

"Something else happened," Stein added "When we said that we didn't hear anything, her eyes glowed for a split second then she started mouthing something."

Both Jax and Stiles turned to him, a questioning look on their faces.
"Do your remember what she was mouthing?" Jax asked.
"Wait.. I think it was something like... I don't think this would make any sense but it was something like Alpha, Beta, Omega." Stein said.
"Actually, it does, werewolves use that as some sort of meditation to prevent losing control on of their powers. But something doesn't make sense. Did she start acting weird when you guys got here or was it before that?" Stiles asked.

"She only started when we got here." Jax answered.

"I think this place has something to do with all of this, and whatever it is, it's only affecting the werewolves." Stiles explained.

Jax put his comm online and reached out to rest of the team, including Rip.

"Guys listen, there's something affecting Ruby and the rest of the werewolves and it's because of this place." He said.
"What happened to miss Jones ?" Rip asked.
"A bit of a long story, but we need you to pull the historical record of this motel."
"Gideon ?"
"It appears that this motel had the largest number of suicides in California since it first opened in 1977. There's also a locked file regarding the suicides, Captain." The A.I informed.
"Unlock it, Gideon." The Englishman demanded.
"All of the 198 people who committed suicide were werewolves." Gideon announced.

The legends heard the A.I through the comms.

"Oh my god, we have to find them before something bad happens..." Kendra said.
All of them ran around looking for the werewolves.
Lydia, Kendra and Rory stopped in front of a room, there was a loud sound coming from it. A chainsaw.

Rory broke the door and they found Ethan, about to cut himself in half with the chainsaw.
"Ethan, listen, don't do this !" Lydia screamed.
Ethan didn't stop, he kept looking at the chainsaw, ignoring the people who just entered the room.

"Ethan, it's going to be okay ! Just get away from that thing !" Kendra added.

But the boy didn't seem to care.

Rory walked towards and blurted out words of wisdom.

"Don't kill yourself, you little shit."
He said as he punched him. Ethan didn't punch back but he started screaming as he tried to get even closer to the chainsaw. Lydia ran to unplug it but it seemed like it didn't change anything about Ethan's state, instead, he just stood up and charged towards Kendra, ready to tear her to shreds. But Rory fired his Fire gun at him before he could reach her. The contact with fire startled him and bringed him back.
"Lydia? What's going on ?" He said, clueless.

"Guys, if you find another one, use fire, the curse seemed to wear off when Rory used his gun on the werewolf." Kendra said through her comm.

"Noted." They all replied.

After few minutes, Stiles found Isaac under a bed.
Stein and Jax merged and their hand close to him to let Isaac feel the fire which bringed him back to normal.

Then they saved Boyd and Scott, the only one remaining was Ruby, and that made the Legends worry a lot.
Even Snart and Rory were concerned.
Ray was the most concerned. He ran to Scott.
"Please tell me that you can catch her scent or something." He said, worried."We need to find her !"

Scott nodded and followed Ruby's scent, the rest followed him.
He stopped near the bus that drove them to the motel.
Ruby was sitting on top of it, bleeding from stomach and holding a gun against her head.

The team were horrified and they all started begging her to not take her own life.
"Ruby ! RUBY PLEAASE !" Jax said.
"Miss Jones, don't do that ! There's a lot of life ahead of you." Stein added.

All of them took turns to talk to her but she wouldn't listen, they weren't able to use fire this time because since she was on a bus, it might explode and Ruby would die anyway.

Ray walked towards the bus and spoke up.
"Ruby, please don't do this, please!" He begged.
She looked at him, still pressing the gun against her skull.
"Why ? So I can suffer forever ? All of the people I care about end up getting killed, I lost my family twice, and now the only member left, my brother, my best friend, he also died. I don't have a reason to live anymore, I don't have a reason to fight. Derek is dead because I left him, this is all my fault." She sobbed, "Just let me die."

Ray teared up as he listened to her crying, each word she said broke his heart, he just got to know her, he knew how special and he couldn't afford to lose her.
He used his suit to fly on top of the bus and landed right next to her.
"Ruby," he begged, not being able to control his tears anymore."You have a lot to live for, you are a hero, you are strong and fierce, and you don't think twice when it comes to save people in need or helping your friends. This is not your fault. You aren't a bad person. You are someone that I don't know much but you know what ? I like you, and it is devastating to hear you this sad, this broken. Please don't do this, we will all stand by your side and help you through this. Ruby, don't do this to me, please. I can't imagine the ship without you walking around it. I cannot see myself going on lame coffee dates in the ship's kitchen. Please Ruby..."

The girl let down the gun and Ray threw it away from her, she had a blank expression on her face that slowly turned into realization of what just happened.
Ray held her and flew her back to the ground and took his helmet off.
Ruby started sobbing and gave Ray a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around her, still crying.
They cupped each others faces, not breaking eye contact.
"Thank you." Ruby whispered, as she slowly leaned towards Ray and kissed him.
Everyone cheered at the sight of the scene.
It took him by surprise at first but he kissed her back, it was passionate, intense and full of emotion. He was so scared of losing her. He didn't. And that's all that mattered.

A/N : Hope you guys liked this !
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Love you xoxo

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