His strength is hers *** Chapter 26***

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Coles eyes widened at her words. He grabbed her hands in his, tightly. ''What is that you speak of Rimia!''
Coles eyes turning red before returning. '' What am I supposed to do , Ive never had been around children, I can't be a father!'' Rimia glanced angrily at him '' Cole! It hurts so much, you have to help me!'' His eyes glanced at her, unable to move himself but he lurched forward and picked her up. "We have to go back to the mansion."
"No Cole! Why can't we call someone here! We can't go back there what if something happens, what if they see you."
"I'll make sure they won't see me."
"Cole please!"
"I did this to you, now your with child what do you expect me to do!"
"I-I can't lose you again!"
Cole realized he hadnt been thinking. "Rimia..what if something happens...what if ..."
She placed her hand on his face "We can't do much about it..you have to get someone from the valley....not from the kingdom, I just need a doctor as soon as possible. I want to have this baby."
Cole glanced at the open door before he closed it with his foot. He placed her gently on the bed. "I'm going to call someone real quick and make something for your stomach.." before he walked out he glanced at her "Don't fall asleep."

It seemed like hours passed when Rimia passed out from the extreme pain. A bright light shone abover her head and she heard distant yelling. "Rimia!" "Rimia wake up!"
Her eyes fluttered open and she was met by Coles handsome red eyes and the eyes of an unknown human. "Love?" She felt like falling back to sleep but a tight grip made her fight it.
She closed her eyes.

"Oh my god!" Rimia awoke with a force between her legs, her entire body shivered as she felt a small human or whatever pulling from her insides. The pain was indescribable and she wished she was still asleep. "Cole.." "Shh love its almost over."

Evil At It's Pleasure (My Torturer Is My Mate)Where stories live. Discover now